Soul-Eaters and the Afterlife

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Ya'll, I'm gonna be completely honest. I don't have a reason for not posting I'm literally just unmotivated and depressed I'm so sorry yall, anyways heres a chapter. I'm gonna start working on the next one right now


Sometimes I wonder if tears are actually made of ocean water, not water produced from my very own being. The taste of salt that made my lips from my own body was a peculiar thing. I wondered this as I climbed into bed and covered myself with blankets and covered my head with pillows out of anger. I was frustrated and sad and angry and confused and a whole different mix of emotions that I couldn't identify. 

Why couldn't Sabrina see that I had done everything for her? I had destroyed my own boundaries for her...because I loved her. Because she was my own twin sister, we had been through everything together, even killing someone together and now she doesn't understand that I've hit my limit? It's ridiculous. It's annoying and preposterous. I couldn't even find words for how annoyed and angry and confused I was with her. How could she-

The window blew open and knocked over an enchanted glass figure that Aunt Zelda had gotten me for Solstice a few years ago, probably from my own doing. I knocked the pillows down from my face, it was the middle of the night but I needed to take a bath to calm down before something of more value broke. "Let's think logically here," I said to myself. "You always do," 

I whipped around, almost knocking off my lamp to see a figure standing by Sabrina's bed. I planted my hands on my hips and sighed, "Nicholas," "Nick," He corrected. I rolled my eyes, "No offense, Nick, but I'm not really in the mood to talk right now and it's the middle of the night so what do you want?" I snapped. "Well, I beg to differ," He said coming and sitting on Sabrina's bed, opposite mine. "Enough with your riddles. What do you need?" I asked. 

"Actually, I think it's you that needs something," I gave him a look and he dropped his smirk. "What's wrong? Clearly, something's wrong," He gestured to my crossed arms. "Nothing that I'd like to talk with you about," I snapped. "You don't have to talk with me, just talk. Pretend I'm not here, it always helps me," He shrugged, making himself comfortable on Brina's bed. 

"I'd rather you weren't here at all, thanks. What do you need?" I stayed standing, staring at him. "Here I thought we had the beginnings of a beautiful friendship between us. I stand corrected," He smirked. "You certainly do," I rolled my eyes, gesturing for him to get on with it. "Why are you here?" "Where's Sabrina?" He snapped a question back. My anger boiled to the top, "I don't know and I don't care at the moment," I said calmly. 

"Ah, so you two got into a fight," He stated more than a question. "It was more than a fight. Sabrina is" My hands started shaking with anger. I couldn't scream or yell, so I did the next best thing. "Nick, get up," I demanded. He did as I said and stood up instantly, giving me a confused look. 

I pulled the blankets off of her bed, but just as I was about to break her bed or do something with my rage, I stopped myself. And I started sobbing, with my head in the blankets. I saw a psychopomp appear out of the corner of my eye but I ignored it. Nick came over to me and tried to console me, wrapping his arms around me but I ignored him. All I could focus on was my anger and how I didn't have the energy to physically break anything, all I could do was cry. I know Nick didn't understand what I was feeling, I didn't expect him to understand but I still didn't dismiss him when he hugged me while I was crying on the ground next to her bed, my knees to my chest. 

"I just don't understand," I stuttered between sobs. "I mean, I've done everything for her, we've done everything for each other and I'm the one that is being selfish? I'm not the one who had the idea who interfere in something that would cause a mess, I'm not the one who went against everyone's advice just so I could prove that I could do something beyond protection spells and scaring principals!" I almost shouted. "Yes, I'm not Harvey's girlfriend but I've known him since we were kids and even I didn't have the idea to perform a goddamn resurrection," I ranted. 

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