The Witching Hour

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In the end, there was only one way to accomplish what the Dark Lord wanted.

Make it so that Y/N and Sabrina would have no other option.

There would only be one path to save those pathetic mortals.

The Path of Night.

And so, the three of us went back to that clearing in the woods.

Where the story first began, sixteen years ago.

Miss Wardwell led us through the woods into a familiar part. And as soon as we got to the familiar clearing  I noticed something peculiar. Candles on an altar and a book in the middle of it. The book. The book...we refused to sign. 

"Miss Wardwell," I asked as she went to the other side of the altar. "What is the Book of the Beast doing here?" Sabrina continued. She looked regretable. "The kind of...power you will need to save Greendale will...will require you both to-" "Sign our names?" Sabrina asked. "Exchange our freedom for power?" I asked. "We both already said no to this, Miss Wardwell," Sabrina said firmly. 

"This is what your father and mother wanted for you girls. That wasn't a lie, what your Aunties told you two," She reasoned. "The circumstances, you must agree, have changed. You aren't the same girls, the same witches you two were on the night of your ill-fated baptism," She continued, desperately. "You two, both of you, have the potential to be the greatest witches of your generation...there is a cost that comes with that," She shrugged. 

We exchanged looks, "This can't be the only way," I said, starting to get emotional. "There's not one that I can think of," She simply said. "You both must sign. It's the only way you two will be able to stop-" She got cut off by a horse's hooves echoing throughout Greendale. It was as if a chill went down my back. Like the feeling you get when wind gusts past a graveyard. "That's him now. The Red Angel of Death," Miss Wardwell breathed. 

We exchanged looks, and it was as if I was in a trance of my fear controlling me. I still had my right mind but I couldn't move, the chill hadn't stopped. "I know you're scared, girls. Because all women are taught to fear power." She whispered. "Own your power. Don't accept it from the Dark Lord. Wield it. Save Greendale. Save your friends," She begged. "I don't..." I trailed off and looked at Sabrina. 

"You two have all but signed already," She sighed. "But..." Sabrina also trailed off looking at the book. She moved out from behind the altar and walked behind us. "What's more important? This pissing contest with the Dark Lord or the salvation of your friends?" She said. "If we sign..." I started and Sabrina looked at me. 

"It is your destiny," She sighed into our ears. "If you two do not, Harvey will die," Tears welled up in my eyes. "Rosalind and Susie will die," They slipped down my face. "Your aunts, your cousin will die," Sabrina and I linked pinkies, therefore linking our minds. "I'll die," We closed our eyes. "Please, Y/N, Sabrina. For all of our sakes," She begged. 

We opened them. "We'll sign."

It was as if everything had been blown away and it was just Brina and I in the world as we stepped forward towards the book and looked down at the signatures. Then this ragged breathing came behind us as if waiting. "Do you do this of your own free will?" The Dark Lord. He was here. Behind us. Waiting. 

We nodded. We need to. To save Ambrose. Ros. Susie. Harvey. Nick. Zelda, Hilda. Everyone. "And do you understand what this means?" We nodded again. "When I call on you girls, you must answer," We nodded in unison again. Tears streamed down my face as he took both of our hands that were linked together, unlinked them, and cut through our palms. I felt alone without Brina. Lost. Empty. I needed her through this, I needed us linked to help us both through this. 

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