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"So, she was there... all that time... you..." Jimin asked.

"Yes.." Jaemin answered.

They both were seated on Jaemin's bed, in Minho and Jaemin's house, while the other guys were also present in the room, hearing everything.

"She was one of the maids." Jaemin continued, looking down at his hand. When Jimin didn't say anything, he looked up at his brother and saw how uneasy he looked.

"Jimin-ah, I know I did terrible, terrible, things to you... but if I didn't do what I did, she would have done worse... she...she... I thought... I thought, this is what im supposed to do... i know this is no excuse, and i swear im not giving any but-"

Jimin suddenly hugged Jaemin, gently, yet securely.

"It's okay... It's okay, Jaemin-ah... I forgive you..." Jimin said, and that's all it took for Jaemin to finally break down, in his brother's arms. "You did bad things to me, but the way she treated you was... was inhuman... I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry you had to go through all that..." Jimin said, tears streaming down his cheeks, just like his twin, who was crying on his shoulder.

Suddenly a phone rang and they all looked at Hobi. "It's him. It's Jihoon Hyung." He said.

"Answer it and tell him Jimin is dead!" Yoongi said excitedly.

"Why the hell are you so happy about killing me, Yoongi??" Jimin snapped.

"It's fun! Murder! Mystery! Killing for revenger! Killing-"

"Nobody has to kill anybody." Jungkook rolled his eyes, patting Yoongi's shoulder, to make his excited friend calm down. "Just tell Jihoon that Jimin is out of danger" He said, looking at Hobi, "and that we brought him home because we dont trust anyone in the hospital. Tell him you and the other guys are at a friends house right now because I wanted to be alone with Jimin. So it means, only I'm there, with Jimin right now. I'm sure he'll come there, to kill Jimin, and may be me too. And that's where we catch him, red-handed." Jungkook said.

"But Jungkook... it's too risky-" Jin tried.

"Not as long as we have you guys with us." He said and smiled at his hyung. "We all will go back to my house. Only Minho, Jaemin, and Jihyun, will stay here. And Yes, Hobi, leave your phone here, so that your hyung can't know your location."

Hobi nodded, while the others started moving.

"No!" Jaemin said, "You can't take Jimin with you! It's too dangerous." He said, holding Jimin's hand in his.

"I know. But that's the only way to trick him." Jungkook said, and then smiled at Jaemin, "Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to your brother. He means the world to me." He said, looking at Jimin, who smiled back, knowing he has nothing to worry about as long as he has his hyung with him.


It was completely quiet in the house. Jimin was lying on his bed, feeling a bit scared, but his hyung standing behind the door, smiled at him, and he knew he's safe.

Hobi and Taehyung were hiding behind the curtains, while Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi were under the bed, with Yoongi in the middle, of course.

They all were waiting for Jihoon to show up any second now.

Finally, they heard the door bell ringing, but they decided to ignore it. Soon, they heard loud knocks.

"Who's it?!" Jungkook yelled.

"It's me, Jungkook! Jihoon!" Jihoon said, and they all froze.

"Come on in, Hyung! The door's unlocked!" Jungkook said, which was soon followed by the sound of the front door opening and then footsteps following right behind it.

★The Spoiled Beauty 2★ (JIKOOK) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now