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"How old are you?" The lady sitting in front of a wide wooden desk, asked. According to the Choi family for whom Ben used to work earlier, this lady's name was Hwasa. She was one of the richest people in town and Ben can clearly see it. Everything about the lady screamed money, authority and power.

"43, Madame." Ben said, his hands at the back and head slightly bent to show respect.

"So you are as old as me." Hwasa said, with a smirk. "Mr. Choi said you worked for them for about 20 years. That's a long period of time."

"They were my first employers, Madame. I was a jobless man back then, and they agreed to give me work. I'll forever be grateful for their generosity."

Hwasa just nodded. "Do you have a family, Mr. Ben?"

"I'm not very good in that area, I'm afraid." Ben said, "But I would love to raise a child in the future."

"Raise a child, you say... and make him what? A butler like you?" Hwasa snickered, "No matter how capable your child is, he'll always be called, the child of a servant. Are you alright with that?" She asked.

Ben finally looked up at her, not knowing what to say. Hwasa got up from her chair and made her way towards him.

"And on top of that, you will not have sufficient money to give him all the comfort and luxury in the world. He'll be raised, in a poor environment, just to be a servant in the future. With some rich person like me, from whom you'll be asking for money, to sponsor his education and what not. Are you still okay with that?" She asked, her arms crossed in the front.

"If that'll be the case, Madame, then I'm happy to just take care of a child, who belongs to a rich person like you. I just want to raise a child, doesn't matter if they do not belong to me or my blood line. As long as the kid is happy and healthy, I'm satisfied." Ben answered, a soft smile on his face.

Hwasa smirked at him for one last time, before asking him to come to work from the next day.

Mr. Choi had told Ben that Hwasa allowed very few people to work for her, hardly one or 2, and even they left because of her strange and unpredictable attitude. She always asked the weirdest questions in the interviews she took of her employees. Ben was glad he could impress her in the interview atleast.

The mansion where Hwasa lived all alone, was a huge one and currently, apart from Ben, there was only this one old lady who worked there. She was planning to leave soon as well, because of her lack of energy to work. So soon, the whole mansion would have to be taken care of by Ben himself.

The lady explained a lot of things to him. She told him how Madame Hwasa doesn't like any guests, doesn't like kids, doesn't like roses, and is just focused to expand her business. She doesn't have a family, not even one relative and no friends whatsoever. Just business partners. Madame Hwasa minds her own business and expects her employees to do the same.

Ben didn't have a problem with any of these. After 20 years of being a butler, he was perfect at his job. He took care of everything very efficiently and Hwasa was quite impressed by his work.

One day, when she was sitting in her office, and Ben was taking care of the dust on the windowpane, she suddenly asked him a strange question.

"You don't mind working all alone here?"

"No Madame. It keeps me busy. So I don't have time to think for anything else."

"If you did have time to think, what would you think of?" She asked, keeping her files aside.

"May be... what if I had a family? A child to raise-"

"Still not giving up on that idea, I see..." Hwasa said, a challenging smirk on her face.

"I can atleast raise a child, Madame. Doesn't have to be mine in particular." Ben said, giving a sheepish smile.

"Do you really like kids that much, Mr. Ben?" Hwasa asked, her face unreadable.

"I do, Madame." Ben said and Hwasa just observed his face for a few seconds.

"Let's go." She suddenly said and got up, shuffling the papers on the table a bit.

"W-Where Madame-"

"To my Orphanage." She simply said, making her way towards the door.

"Y-Your O-Orphanage? You have an Orphanage Madame?" Ben asked, following her in hurried steps.

"Well yes. I own one." She said and then saw the big sparkling eyes of the man following her. She rolled her eyes, "Don't look at me with that admirable look. It's purely business, no social service or anything."

"But you do own an Orphanage. That's... that's such an admir-"

"My Orphanage has a very interesting policy, Mr. Ben." She said, stepping inside the driver's seat of her car. Ben quickly sat down on the passenger seat. One thing he knew for sure about Hwasa was that, this lady doesn't let anyone drive any of her precious cars. And she owns almost 10 of them.

"In my Orphanage, poor people can sell their babies, and rich people can buy them. But there is a really big difference between the price of selling and the price of buying. So this means, during this whole procedure, I have a profit of around 10,000$ per child." She smirked, her eyes on the road.

Ben looked at her with a look of disbelief. The way this lady was talking about babies, was as if she was talking about cattle. She noticed his expressions and explained even more.

"But don't you worry. The kids in my Orphanage are limited in number, but are well maintained. We believe in the principle of less in quantity but more in quality. So the things raised here-"

"Things?!" Ben asked, for the very first time interrupted her, that too with a harsh voice.

Hwasa gave him a glare and soon he realised his mistake. "I'm sorry, Madame." He said, gritting his teeth and looking out of the window.

The rest of the ride was quiet, and awkward. Ben was utterly dissapointed in his Madame, for making a business out of babies, and taking advantage of the poor people.

"We are here." Hwasa said, stopping the car. She stepped out of the car, not even waiting for Ben.

Once the two were inside the main office of the Orphanage, the lady sitting there stood up alarmed, as soon as she laid eyes on Hwasa.


"Who's the kid with the highest IQ in the Orphanage?" Hwasa asked, coming straight to the point.

Both the lady and Ben blinked at her, confused.

Hwasa sighed and rolled her eyes in irritation. "Tell me the name of the smartest kid, damn it!"

The lady jumped and quickly started looking into the files uselessly, thinking hard for an answer to give to Hwasa.

"M-Minho! Lee Minho!!" She suddenly remembered, "He got the highest score in the last-"

"I'll adopt him. Get the papers ready." Hwasa said and turned to leave the room. "And you," she said, looking at a shocked Ben, "Bring that child along with you. You are going to raise him anyways."

With that she left a very confused and shocked Ben behind.


★The Spoiled Beauty 2★ (JIKOOK) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now