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Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin exchanged looks. They looked down, not knowing what to say. No child deserves that. No one.

"So..." Yoongi began, "You never saw Jaemin again after that day?"

"As a matter of fact, I did. After years though. When Master Minho brought him home. Master Jaemin was... very different. He didn't like people, so Master Minho fired all his employees except me. Master Jaemin, didn't recognize me for quite some time. The only person he was comfortable around, was Master Minho. If he saw a stranger though, he'd through objects at them, and yell at them, and scream to be left alone. Only Master Minho could calm him down. But as years passed by, he became better and better. And the last time I saw him, at my retirement party?? He looked so mature and grown up. Happy. And they even got married. Those two great lads." Uncle Ben chuckled, looking out of the window fondly.

Namjoon followed his gaze but found nothing. Jin pinched his arm, "He's daydreaming, joon!" He whispered and Namjoon made an 'oh' face.

"Uncle Ben? Do you happen to remember how old Jaemin was when Minho brought him home?" Yoongi asked.

Uncle Ben thought for a while, "He was still a teenager. Most probably, around fifteen or sixteen?? He recently had an accident, and Master Minho said that was the reason he acted so strange and didn't remember most of his past."

Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin exchanged a look and then nodded thankfully at the old guy, before leaving.


"So, we basically have 4 time frames of Jaemin's life." Yoongi said, drawing a line on his white board, as Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook sat down on small kindergarten chairs of solid primary colours.

"The first one-"

"I'm stuck!" Namjoon interrupted, getting up with his Butt stuck in the tiny red chair. "Why do you have such tiny chairs in your office dude! You're 30! Not 3 motherfucker-"

Yoongi threw the cap of the black marker on Namjoon, "Sit down child! I'm teaching!"

"What?! Dude-"

"Zip! Shush! Down! Now!" Yoongi said sternly like a teacher and Jungkook and Jin just looked up at Namjoon from their own tiny chairs, like judging the naughty kid.

Namjoon just sighed and sat down with a pout.

"Okay! So the first frame is from age 0 to 4. That's the time Uncle Ben told us about. The next time frame is from 4 to 10, where he lived with Hwasa. The third time frame is from 10 to 15, when he was adopted by his own parents again, and the time where he tortured Jimin. The last time frame is from 15 to now, where he met Minho again and started his own lovey dovey story!" Yoongi said, clapping his hands like a happy child.

"So the time frame we are most unclear about-"

"And the time frame which is most important to us-"

"Is from 4 to 10. Where he lived with that crazy lady, right?" Jungkook said, looking at jin and namjoon, who nodded. "Because that is the time when something extremely disturbing happened to Jaemin, which turned him into an evil child, who later tortured my Jimin?" Jungkook asked Yoongi, who nodded and sat down on his own tiny bright yellow chair.

"Absolutely!" Yoongi said, taking out a lollipop from his pocket and sucking on it like a happy kid.

"So, how are we gonna do it? That hwasa lady is most probably dead by now. And the only other person who knows what happened then is Jaemin."

"There is one more person who might know about what all happened between Hwasa and Jaemin in those years. " Yoongi said, with his lollipop inside his mouth now. While the rest of the men just exchanged looks.

"Who?" Jin asked.

"Lee Minho. Jaemin's husband. Jaemin most probably would have told him everything, right?" Yoongi reasoned.

"But why would he tell us anything? Wouldn't it mean betraying his own husband?" Namjoon asked.

"Not if he has no other choice." Yoongi smiled his gummy smile, while they all looked at him confused.


*wiggles eyebrows*

It's been a long day, month, year
without you my love~

*gives you a beautiful red rose*

This is as beautiful- no wait- nothing as ever as beautiful as you, darling~

*Pecks your nose*




★The Spoiled Beauty 2★ (JIKOOK) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now