Barian onslaught part 3.

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AN: Hello dear readers. I am finally back with the final Barian onslaught chapter. Wo-ho! But then again everything goes downhill after this episode, so you might take the cheer of this chapter with a grain of salt. Up to you. I still cannot believe I am this far in the show. There are what like 18 episodes left?! That is scary if you ask me. But have fun reading this chapter.

Normal p.o.v.

The van Quinton drove was reaching the outskirts of the town. Everyone in the car was on edge. They had good reason to be after they witnessed the light pillars appearing all around the city. Astral knew what that meant. He could sense the chaos in it. Although he had no clue what was being played or happening to Yuma's friends, Astral knew the emperors were ranking up somehow. He was not sure what that meant for Yuma's friends, but he hoped they would up their game so they could at least be on par with the emperors. If not, their future was looking grim. Groans could suddenly be heard as Yuma stirred in Tori's arms. Up until now, he had been lying with his head on her lap to give Yuma the best comfort, considering the circumstances. All of Yuma's friends were looking at the boy when the lobster-haired duelist opened his eyes.

"So, how is it going guys?" Yuma quirked out in a groan. It was clear he wasn't up to full speed yet. But that didn't matter to his friends. They were just happy he was up.

"Purr-fect now that you are awake," Cathy uttered cheerfully.

"So, is... everyone okay?" Yuma asked worriedly. That of course had everyone tense up. None of them knew the outcome of the battle yet.

"Eh yep. Everybody is absolutely fantastic," Caswell lied. They wanted to spare Yuma the burden of not knowing their friend's fate. He needed to recover.

"Ah, that is good," Yuma muttered relieved, and went back to sleep. The others guessed he woke up just to make sure his friends were safe. This was so Yuma.

Back with the others fighting.

It was not looking good for either one of Yuma's friends. Every one of them was facing the Emperor's new chaos monster, and every one of them was without a monster and had very few life points remaining. They didn't have much to work with either, but neither one of them was giving up the slightest.

"I won't quit. I am going to fight to the very end!" Dextra declared to Dumon.

"Yuma, hang in there. The gloves are coming off. I might be down, but I am not even close to being out," Bronk stated to Marin.

"You might have me up against the ropes Alito, but I promise I will go down swinging with everything I got," Nistro said with much conviction.

"You may be able to crush my monsters, but you will never be able to crush my spirit," Kaze told Girag as they were face to face alongside his Master.

"Well said Kaze. We will fight for our friend Yuma until our very last point," Master Roku added with determination.

"Justice! Justice can never be defeated..." Nelson said.

"...And love always conquers all," Anna added and glared at Mizar. "I promised I would always protect Yuma, so that is what I am going to do!"

Quattro's p.o.v.

Quattro was staring determined at Shark, or was it Nash now? It was not like Quattro cared what name Shark went by these days. He was still his friend, and whatever brainwashing the Barians had done to him, Quattro was going to undo this. That was a promise. His last attack with his Gimmick Puppet of Dark Strings had caused Nash/Shark to crash into the force field behind him and revert to his original humane self. That was progress if you asked him. Now, he just had to make him see reason. There was no way Shark would ever willingly duel for the Barians!

Book 4. Choices through time and space.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat