Memories of ancient times. Part 3.

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An: Hello dear readers. I am back with another memory act chapter. Be warned it is an emotional chapter, so might stuck up on tissues. I have tried to keep it to the cannon as best as possible. If you have noticed, I rearranged the chapters, because there is only one Astral world chapter left. Which I figure would be after the memory act ends. Iris is also in the story, but know that the story is very Zaira focused, so for all the iris fans out there. Just might get disappointed. At least if you expect her to have a huge role. Time is also pretty vague. With all that out, have fun reading.

Zaira's p.o.v.

The soft movement of the waves were crashing beautifully at the side of the ship and made me sigh in content. It had been so long since I had been on a ship, that I missed it. The smooth waving the ship did, while you walked on deck, had been my daily routine, while we, Vector, and I, traveled throughout the world. I did indeed understand why sailors went out to sea so much. They missed this feeling I was having right now. Not that it couldn't change considered the weather conditions. I mean the ocean was a ferocious beast you never should take likely, but honestly that was not my concerns at the moment. Earlier, hours ago, a huge battle had taken place on these waters, between my brother and Nash. Their clashes had been fierce and ferocious. Now I knew why Nash was known as the ferocious king. He was having a completely different persona battling here, than when he had battled me back in his kingdom. It was a little unreal. Never seen a man this passionate about winning. It was kinda hot. But then again, this battle had been crazy to say the least. What first had been my attempt in using this battle as a diversion, changed completely throughout this whole ordeal. I had tried escaping. I was sure Vector's men knew they should let me through too, but Dumon on his trusted pegasus, had decided I was too important to be battling alone. So, either I was on the back of the horse, or being protected at all times at the ship. Dumon was a valiant knight. He was a great swordman and good looking too. I will give him that, but I was not made out of breadcrumbs you know! Something I pointed out on numerous occasions as I saved his life. It was there I was hit with a revelation.

"Of course, I know you can defend yourself princess", Dumon had told me with a sincere smile. "I am not doubting your abilities. I just want to be there just in case. See me as your back-up shield and sword. We are all in this together. We will never leave an ally behind. Nash thinks so too. That is why he instructed me to protect you". That had me blink several times.

"Together...?", I mused out.

It was like it was the first time I have ever uttered those words. It of course wasn't, but it was the first time, I pondered over its meaning. I had never been battling together with anyone before. Besides my brother that is. We did not have this codependence at our army. Here everyone was fighting for themselves and their own survival. The fear of making my insane brother mad was always emitting underneath. I was treated the same way since Vector valued me so highly. Here however, at Nash's ship and army, I now realized things were different. How people were actually looking out for one another and the trust the crew and soldiers had in their king. To me it was so bizarre. I was not used to that custom at all.

That said, it didn't mean that I had not tried escaping throughout the night. I had. I mean Cy was the wind, he could keep me flowing in the air for a little while. I was sure my brother was not that far behind that I couldn't reach him. I had been intending to do that, hadn't it been for the latest message my brother had send me. In that instant actually. Like I said, Cy is part of the wind. He can hear my brother call and sometimes he delivers messages for him. Especially, when they were for me. Therefore, a piece of paper had landed in my hand, the moment I step outside on the deck. I could feel Cy's aura in it and knew he had been responsible for it. All which led me here. Leaning at the railing of the ship on a full moon lit night. I had so many overwhelming questions to this. What was my brother thinking? Did he seriously believe I was capable of this? My eyes fell to the scribbled piece of paper again.

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