Memories of ancient times. Part 1.

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An: And here is the next chapter. It is an old chapter I had written way back and needed to rewrite. If there are some mistakes, that could be why. Can't believe I am here you guys. I have been waiting for ages to post this chapter. Can't believe it is happening. Yes! So excited! :D Just note. There is a battle scene in this. Not sure how it turned out for you but know there will be a lot of deaths and violence in this chapter. Of course, tried to make it family friendly, but some people do not like that kind of thing. So yeah, a waring. Oh, and duel monsters are seen as godlike creatures in the past. Just so I didn't confuse anyone. Have fun reading.

Zaira's p.o.v.

"What do you mean with Shark being the leader of the barians?!".

That was the first words I uttered after this crazy bomb shell was dropped on us. Just like that. I could still not really comprehend what Dumon had been telling us. How in the world could Shark alias Reginald Kastle be the leader of the barians? There was just no way. What surprised me the most was that Shark had been extremely quiet this entire time. It was like he knew something that I didn't.

"I am sorry Zaira, but it is the truth" Dumon said and sighed deeply "At the last two ruins Reginald here was facing Abyss and...". '

"I don't need you talking for me!" Shark hissed and glared at the gray barian.

"My apologizes" Dumon apologized and bowed a tiny bow. At that Shark huffed.

"I saw some visions in the last two ruins. With Rio and I" he then admitted "I was a king once apparently and... and if the ruins are truly connected to the barians, then that must mean that me and my sister are indeed barians...".

"You think some sort of ruin and visions makes you a barian. Get real Shark" I sneered at him. That just couldn't be true.

"You are one" Shark pointed out "Just like you I have a ruin and... Ahr! I don't understand this! How can I be the leader of the barians?!".

I was staring. I really was. Now things suddenly made much sense. The reason for why Shark was not as caring as he used to be. Why he had been lost in thoughts so often and why he couldn't be there for me when I needed him. Dumon had known. It was clear as day. That was the true reason he appeared that day. Because he knew Shark was dealing with a lot of things and it also explained why Shark had been so easy to forgive us.

"Nash, Zaira I have come to help your true selves" Dumon then suddenly said and got our attention. He continued "The truth about who you are Zaira and Nash as well as Marin lying right there, has been buried deep within your mind. I possess the power that can help uncover the mystery of your past".

He was holding up a barian crest symbol to show us how he was going to do that. Surprisingly, he had yet done anything. It was like he was waiting for our approval.

"Wait, if you had that kind of power Dumon then why did you wait until now to use it? I could have gained my barian memories back" I asked. I needed to know.

"I could have done that the moment you arrived in our world. It is true" Dumon admitted with a little smile "However, at that time you were so ill. You were on the brink of death to be honest, and I did not have it in me to do that to you Zaira. You could not come home, and you still cannot because your Lapiz is sealed away. Alas then I found out that your current lover was our dear leader Nash and... things escalated. We are in dire need of him accenting his throne once again".

"Wait what? Zaira got sick and that was why you were dueling me? To see if I was a good enough candidate to take care of her. I feel insulted and... and..." Shark let out an angry growl "Ahr! Too many things are happening. I can't progress it. I don't know who or what to be angry at right now!".

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