Now or never part 2.

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An: And here is the next chapter my dear readers. I am so proud of myself that I managed since it is not the chapter that sparks much interest for me. But oh well. Have to bite in some sour apples sometimes. Oh, and for the record I decided to have a zexal marathon until the memory arc is over and done with. So might update quicker than usual on Zexal. The other stories of mine might hit a break though. Unless I am hitting a block then I will write on them until it is done with. So yeah, hope you readers understand. If you are following my other stories. Have fun reading.

Normal p.o.v.

Somewhere, someplace else, above the clouds of this world, was this giant palace surrounded by a barrier that protected it against unwanted guests. It was sadly necessary considering what happened last time. It made the owner of this castle sigh deeply at the thought of it. Only regret was that it could not have stopped it. The ancient laws put in place made that impossible. No matter how much it wished it differently. It let out yet another sigh. Its eyes flickered to the stars in the stary sky.

"The tides are shifting. If it is for the better or worse, I do not know" the being said in a concerned voice "All I know is that drastically changes will happen upon us".

"Then what do we do then master?" a new voice chimed beside it, making the individual turn towards the newcomer.

It had of course known she was there, taking form of her current wielder Zaira Wroom, but it was indulging her and her cheeky humor. It was refreshing somewhat.

"We do nothing my dear" the being replied with a sigh "My role in all of this is yet to be released, and thereby forces me to sit this one out".

"Wait what? He refused the mission?" the female uttered stunned.

"It is too soon to tell, but for now, he is indeed fighting against it" the being agreed and smiled "Dragon tamers have their own self of pride. I assumed this much. They would not be much of tamers if they themselves got caught...".

"That ungrateful... I will tell him a thing or two!" the female declared and were about to leave, when the being grabbed her hand forcing her back to where she belonged.

"You will do no such thing Tala! Last time you meddled in things you were not supposed to, an unending cycle appeared" the being hissed in a firm matter "Besides, I already knew he would not accept. The mission upon him was not the importance. The afterthoughts are".

"I do not understand master..." Tala questioned bewildered.

"The boy is not without merit. He already put pieces together. All I did was leaving an incentive for him to follow. If he deems it so" the being replied with "The mortals are a strange species indeed. Although the dragon tamers themselves hold more pride than any human I have known. It is truly fascinating".

"If you say so master" Tala mused with a sigh. The Master finally letting go of her hand and it encouraged the female to continue "How did it go with Eliphas?".

"Not well I am afraid. I could not sway his mind. He blames us for the current events regarding his son" the being said with a sigh "Not to mention, believes I am the ward of Zaira. How preposterous".

"Wait you not?" Tala quirked out confused "I thought you were...".

"If I were, I would have brought her here!" it responded in a cold tone "That said, the girl has already shown great promise. This is the second time already that she is brought before me, and with each time, she can see clearer than before. It is very reassuring. Both for her and cyclone beast wolf".

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