Barian onslaught part 1.

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An: And I am back with another chapter. Had already written this way back so it just needed some rewriting and connection to the former chapter. I think I did this chapter justice. Hope you like the outcome. Please comment on what you think.

(New opening: Zaira is first seen with Yuma and Astral together with the numeron code. Then later is together with Shark when they look at each other in the mirror. Their ancient self is present on the other side of the mirror. Then lastly at the end, Zaira holds the numeron code. Would have put more details if the last opening existed on YouTube. Instead, I had to use from the actual episode)

Zaira's p.o.v.

I was back in the real world. After my encounter with my Barian self, I drank the holy cure from the Astral world. It made the door and its pathway crumple, and it caused me back into the real world again. Not that I have gone anywhere. Everything was just like before with Astral and Yuma and all their friends. To them, I was sure not much time had passed at all. After all, this was an internal struggle on my part. But at least they saw me drink the holy cure. Or I think they did. My actions in the soul room mirrored my actions in the real world, or so I was told. Both Astral and Yuma were staring at me like I had grown a second head, and it frustrated me beyond belief.

"What?! Stop staring! It is rude!" I sneered at them.

"I apologize Zaira, but... You are well now?" Astral asked.

"Yeah of course! I am free from the seal. Are you doubting your own cure?" I asked in a tease. It made Yuma light up like crazy.

"Yeah, Astral relax. Zaira is all well and ready to duel. Isn't that right Zaira?" he asked.

I nodded concerned. Not over the question itself, but over the implications. As I had stated, I was free from the seal itself which in terms also meant I had the right to choose. If Yuma believed the cure only healed me, he was dead wrong.

"My apologies. I am just cautious. What did you wish upon the cure?" Astral asked.

Luckily, I never had to answer that, because all of Yuma's friends suddenly entered the scene with their words of encouragement. It was something I was grateful for.

"Guys, that was Zexal-lutionary!" Bronk uttered happily.

"Yeah, Heartland hit you with every trick he could think of," Caswell said.

"But you played it puff-fectly" Cathy purred happily.

"Thank goodness you returned in time" Trey added.

"I am so happy you two are home safe and sound," Tori said as the last one.

"We are too" Astral replied with a tiny smile.

"It is great to be back home!" Yuma cheered for all of them.

I on the other hand decided to keep my distance. I did not want to be bombarded by any questions or hold the spotlight like Yuma did. Instead, I ended up on the sidelines with Orbital and Kite who was still unconscious. Orbital provided me with the most needed information. That this light beam in the sky was a gateway to the Barian world, that should connect their world with ours. He also told me about how Mr. Heartland had assimilated people. Like Flip who got sent up to the Barian world. Did that mean he and the people of Earth were dead? I was uncertain about this.

"You are back" I could then suddenly hear Kite say. He was awake again.

"Mas-ster Kite!" Orbital uttered and tended to his master. Not that Kite cared much about the robot. His eyes were still fixated on me.

Book 4. Choices through time and space.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora