Assimilation Part 1.

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AN: Hello dear readers. Sorry for the delay. Have been busy. First got tempted to write something else. Then I was a bit sick. So sorry, but I guess that is life. Hopefully, this great chapter will make up for that. 1 more chapter until Barian onslaught. I cannot wait. Talk about a change in the story when that happens. But without further notice. Have fun reading. Please comment on what you think.

Don thousand's p.o.v.

Don Thousand chuckled darkly inside. Everything was going according to their plans. Or well, his plans to be exact. Not that Vector knew. He still believed they were in this together. Which he should. Right now, his vessel was explaining things to Mr. Heartland. The little fly they had rescued proved to be quite useful. For now.

"Yikes. Whoever made this sculpture should have his art license revoked" Mr. Heartland commented as he was staring at the machine they had built together.

"Ha-ha that is no sculpture, you idiot. It is a machine, and it is jam-packed with numbers I made" Vector explained to him.

"Huh? Those numbers are all fakes?" Mr. Heartland questioned.

"As fake as your personality, but once they are unleashed, they will break the human world with the Barian world, and the complete and utter destruction of the Astral world will finally be set in motion," Vector told him.

"That plan sounds insanely over the top, which is why I love it so much," Mr. Heartland said in an eager-to-please tone of voice.

"Thank you. As my fiendish flunky, you will spread my fake numbers among the humans and while you are at it you will snatch Kite and Shark's real numbers" Vector explained further.

"I'll get them! That's a promise!" Mr. Heartland uttered eagerly.

That had not been the right thing to say. Vector's eyes narrowed dangerously as he lifted the pathetic Barian in the air with their powers. It pleased the chaos god to see.

"You better keep that promise, or else!" Vector sneered. "I may have tolerated your failures before, but that time has passed. Is that understood?".

"I... yes. Crystal clear", Mr. Heartland uttered. "If I don't get those numbers, you can turn me back into a fly...".

"I will do worse than that!" Vector hissed and tossed his minion to the other end of the room. "But if you break your losing streak and succeed the reward would be priceless. How would you like to become one of us? A barian emperor".

Don Thousand hummed at that news. Vector was in no position to do so, but Mr. Heartland did not know that, nor would he ever know. Thou it had the intended effect.

"You will make me an emperor?", Mr. Heartland questioned surprised.

"Yes..." Vector lied convincingly.

"At last, my dream job!" Mr. Heartland proclaimed.

"But you only get your payoff once the Astral world goes down in flames" Vector quickly added, making Mr. Heartland turn on the machine. "Now let's get started. Eyes to the skies humans. It is raining numbers".

And just like Vector had claimed, Number cards were indeed invading the Earth. They were raining down upon them. The curiosity of the humans made each of them grab one and the moment they did, the Baria symbol appeared on their forehead. Don Thousand could see this through Vector's eyes on one of the giant crystals inside the Barian palace. Even if some strong individuals, like, etc. Yuma Tsukumo and his friends could withstand the number's captivating power, it would still be enough to break the barrier between the two worlds.

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