Welcome to Astral world.

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An: And here is the next chapter my dear readers. Never thought I would update this fast now, would you? I did say I had a marathon going on. Hopefully, it will continue on all the way to the end of the memory act. But who knows? I won't promise you anything. Want to give a shout out to my friend Indigozaizen on Wattpad. He did help me a lot so I could at least get the first few chapters up and running. So, thanks Indigo Zaizen. Oh, and to you readers reading the story too. Thanks for all your support. Now have fun reading.

Yuma's p.o.v.

Yuma awoke and found himself somewhere entirely different. A universe shaped in the shiniest blue colors were in front of him, and it made Yuma gasp surprised. He even had to blink several times just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. When that didn't seem to be the case, Yuma was staring in awe at his surroundings.

"Is that Astral world?" Yuma questioned to himself as he was staring down at the blue planet in front of him "That must mean Kite and Quinton did it. They got me to Astral world. Well almost".

Before Yuma could even ponder on how to proceed a weird, shaped light suddenly flew by him and startled him.

"What? What in the world?" he uttered but were soon face to face with a weird looking creature. It looked like a fished crossed over with the color of a rainbow.

"Kuri-Kuri!" the creature greeted happily.

"Oh wait, I know you. You are my father's lucky rainbow Kuriboh" Yuma concluded with a smile which made the little creature squeal in happiness.

Then it dived with great speed towards... Yuma was not sure, but he wanted to ask the creature so many things. Like where his parents were or where Astral was. It was for that reason he dived after the little fishy creature.

"Hey wait up! Where are you going?" Yuma asked as he flew after the Kuriboh. It took him some seconds to realize what was going on here.

"Oh, I get it. You want me to follow you to Astral world" Yuma concluded which made the little creature squeal happily again.

With that goal in mind, he followed Rainbow Kuriboh to Astral world. What he didn't know what that someone else were watching him as well. It accented from the heavens to deal with him personally.

Yuma let out a groaning sound, as he awoke for the second time this day. All he remembered was that he had followed Rainbow Kuriboh to Astral world and then... nothing! He did however find himself at a blue sandy beach near the ocean. If it really was the ocean. Yuma couldn't really tell since everything in here was in blue melancholy colors. Yuma groaned again as he sat up to take in his surroundings.

"Wow, what happened?" He questioned bewildered and looked around "This must be Astral world. It is kinda gloomy. Now I know where Astral get's it from". Yuma chuckled at his own joke, before turning around and once again stared in awe. Giant tall buildings and sights of a city in blue could be seen in the horizon now.

"Cool looking city, but it is so big, how am I ever going to find Astral? It could take like forever" he uttered in pure distress before sighing "I wish Zaira was here with me. She would know the place. Or she could at least have given me a map".

But then he shook his head. He couldn't give up now. He was determined to find Astral and bring him back to earth with him. That was his mission. With that resolve caved in his heart, Yuma took a step forward, only to find himself stepping on extremely dry plants. Confused by this, Yuma bowed down to investigate.

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