Memories of ancient times part 4.

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A, N: And I am back with another chapter my dear readers. Though have to give you a quick warning. This chapter has a bit of death in it along with a bit of gore and emotional turmoil. Not too graphic, but if you are not into any of this, you might jump over Nash and Vector's battle in general. If you were wondering why, it is because Vector is insane. Do we need more reasons? If you are okay with it, then, by all means, go for it. Have fun reading!

Nash's p.o.v.

The wooden cross stood mighty and tall on the pile of rocks they had all gathered. Everyone was following their king's order without complaint. The silence was met between them. It was their way of honoring the fallen. Or in this case the fallen. To Nash's dismay. He had not been able to do a thing. He had not been able to change anything, and it frustrated him beyond belief. Why had he let her go? Why had he trusted that she would be all right when her brother was the insane ruler, he had to fight? Why had he not used better judgment? Why had he not decided to follow her earlier? There were so many other ways he could have prevented this. Not staring at the pile of rocks with a wooden cross in it. It was the best he could do in creating a memento of her. No grave was needed. Her insane brother had run off with her body to who knows where, and it left a sour taste in his mouth. He could have stopped him. He could have killed Vector right then and there. In one fell swoop, but instead had shown him compassion. He had left him to grieve. Just as he did. Just as his men silently did and Dumon, his noble friend, was lying on his knees paying his respect to the memento. Nash could hear him cry his heart out. He had not moved for a while now either, but neither one of the people here wanted to interrupt him. Yet.

Nash let out a deep sigh. Deep down asking himself why he was not grieving. The girl killed here today had after all been Zaira. His beloved Zaira. It stung so badly in his heart. But besides that, he was not having a nervous breakdown like Dumon was. Maybe it was because of his men. He needed to seem strong for them in those troubled times. Maybe it was because of his knowledge of the future. Knowing full well Zaira would be reborn somehow. Although when that time was, he did not know. Or maybe it was because he knew this was just him reliving the past. Whatever the reason, he knew it was all for none. He could not change the events that had happened. All they could do was move forward. Somehow.

"Dumon...", Nash cleared his throat.

"Go away", was Dumon's only response. It hurt Nash to hear how broken his voice sounded. Truth be told out of everyone here, the one hurt the most over Zaira's passing would surely be Dumon.

"Dumon, we have to...".

"No, we do not", Dumon cut him off. "You do. I am not part of your army. I am not yours to command".

"But I...". Nash let out a deep sigh now. "Dumon, I need you...". There were no responses, as his friend did not move from that spot. That was how devastated he was.

"You can sit here and mope all you want, but it will not change anything. Zaira will not come back. No matter how much we wished it were so", Nash remarked in a firm tone. "We have to move forward. We owe it to her and the sacrifice she made...".

"But I... I was so smitten with her. She was the one holding my heart", Dumon whispered weakly. "How can I... when she is not there...".

"Dumon! Come on!", Nash growled at first but then sighed again. "I fell in love with her too. You are not the only one who got their heart ripped out...".

"Huh? What?". That of course got his friend's attention.

"I had feelings for her too", he repeated with a sigh. "And if that was not enough, she was supposed to be my...wife". He was hesitating on that last part. He felt awful.

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