In such a bind part 2.

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A,N: Hello by dear readers. I am back with another Zexal extra chapter. Thought I could manage everything I wanted to happen in this chapter, but sadly not. At least the duel is hopefully entertaining for now to make up for waiting for the next chapter for a while. Or I hope. But please comment on what you think when done. I would love some feedback. Now, have fun reading.

Normal P.o.v.

"Chillia, have you heard from your sister? She was not at the briefing".

That was the first thing the leader of the servants said as they approached her. Chillia lifted an eyebrow at that. Usually people didn't approach her, especially not the ones in charge, since they had a pretty loose ship around here. To make them ask her that was not because of cheer interest. That was for sure. They wanted something from her, Chillia just didn't know what.

"No, why do you ask?" she quirked and let stopped sweeping with the broom she was holding. She could see the look the leader was sending her second in charge before they continued. All which was very unsettling.

"It is just... we heard some rumors...".

"Oh" Chillia snort back "I am not interested".

"How can you not be interested?" the leader snort back "This might concern us all. If your sister is trying to turn rogue without telling the emperors...".

"Rogue hu? Sounds like her" Chillia mused annoyed.

Not that it was important to her at all. She didn't care what her sister Silica was up to these days. Not after this huge fight they had way back. It was around the time Mizar had just rehired her actually. Chillia had excitedly told her sister how cool Mizar was and that she was happy being re-summoned once again. She had hoped Silica had rejoiced with her that day but sadly it had the opposite effect. She had never seen her sister so mad. So, so furious. She began yelling at her for not including her. For not asking Lord Mizar to rehire her too. They ended op yelling at each other and were saying mean things back and forth. Chillia couldn't even remember half of the stuff she had been saying. Only that she at some point hit a sore point for her sister. Her affections for Lord Vector. Now that Chillia recalled she had called their former empress returning a fluctuating dream, which properly had been the reason for her rebounds. Not that Chillia regretted it. Her sister needed a wake-up call at some point. When would she realize her one sided crush for Lord Vector was never going to happen? That mad ruler would never reciprocate her feelings. He was not exactly known for showing kindness. If it wasn't for her witnessing Vector showing fondness for his sister in the past, she would have believed he was not capable of it. Lady Zaira was and would be the only one Vector would show any affections too. That was clear to everyone. If Silica would just realize this. Lord Vector was known to be brutal to his servants and Chillia was just looking out for her. She didn't want her getting hurt. Sadly, that had been the last straw and their former close sibling relationship had gone to the wind. Chillia had never seen her sister again after that. Not that she cared...

"Just forget it" The second one in charge responded with and shrugged "It is clear she does not know where she is. It is concerning...".

"Why? What has she done now?" Chillia questioned quickly with.

"Ah so now it piqued your interest?" The leader responded and chuckled teasingly. Then they sighed deeply "To tell you the truth, no one knows. She has been absences for quite some time".

"Some rumors are flying around that she is trying to reach the top of the ladder of success by some not so justified means" The second one in charge spoke "Others seem to state she might be with Lord Vector, but that seem a bit farfetched. Lord Vector dislikes spending time with anyone beside the young lady".

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