Memories of ancient times. Part 2.

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AN: Hello my dear readers. I am finally back with another chapter. Had some hardcore backpain for 2 whole weeks. It was a drag and I had to put a hold on everything I was working on. But I am partly back again. Can't promise you fast updates. The only reason I been able to write this is because I have vacation. So lucky you. However, have fun reading.

Zaira's p.o.v.

"Is his majesty here?".

That was the first line I said as I entered the docks. The prestige ship of their king Nash was anchored here finally after many weeks at seas. I had been having silent prayers up to any deity I knew and asked them to protect my brother from any harm. Up until now I only heard good news. Vector and I have a secret messenger in Cy, being the wind wolf, he was. He was quicker than any messenger dove, was good at keeping himself hidden, and even delivered the message to Vector personally. I could not be prouder of him. That said, I had no clue on how the battle had progressed. How many men had we lost? How close had Nash been in succeeding? Stuff like that. Not knowing had put me on such an edge. Dumon had helped me calm down, believing I was worried for Nash's safety than anything. It helped, partly. After all, he couldn't be father from the truth. Not that I was going to tell him of course, but I did feel a bit bad about lying to him. My recovery had become better over the weeks, and I could with pride say that I was alright again. The healers were surprised over my quick recovery. I myself was not. I was always quick in healing. That and I had a suspicion Cy had helped speed it along somehow. He had brought me many strange herbs he insisted that I ate. I could never say no to my fateful protector. All which brought me here at the docks right now. I wanted to speak to their king personally. I needed to persuade Nash in bringing me along on his next trip. He had after all not yet killed my brother, so I knew he was only here to restock. He was the only one capable of bringing me close enough to reunite me with my brother.

"His majesty? Oh, I am sorry miss, but you just missed him", one of the workers said.

"Missed him? Everyone knows the minute our king sets his feet at our kingdom; he is off to his secret place. So much for being a man of the sea", another man joked and let out a big brewing laughter. I lifted eyebrows at that.

"Secret place? Is that why I have not been able to locate him any place else?", I asked thoughtfully.

That was the first time I have heard about a king not returning back to the castle the moment he arrived. Even I, being a princess and all, enjoyed the royale treatments after a long journey at sea. A nice hot bath. New garments and best of all the suitable feast of fresh gathered food.

"You got it my lady. Our king has no fear of getting himself dirty or do normal labor once in a while. It is one of the reasons, we will all follow him and his leadership anywhere", the first worker proclaimed. I hummed thoughtfully at that.

"Can you tell me where this secret place is?", I then asked. The men looked at me like I was crazy at first. Then one of them shook their head.

"I am afraid not my lady. How else can it stay a secret place if everyone knew about it. None of us knows where it is", the man replied in a firm tone.

"Lady Marin, rest her soul in heavens, knew, but if King Nash has not shared this place with you yet, he might have had a good reason", the other added.

I nodded a bit concerned and thanked the men for the info. What did they mean by he had not shared this supposed secret place with me? Was he intending to? I felt like they knew something that I did not. It was very annoying to say the least. Then I shrugged causally. It was not like something like that would stop me anyway.

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