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Mirabella and Lewis had travelled all over the world after they had left that Sunday. France, Switzerland, Korea, Australia, Bali. All of that in three weeks.

They were going to go to Italy soon, for the FIA Gala. She was a mix of emotions. In one way she hated the FIA. She always had and probably wasn't going to change any day soon. There were just too many things that made them dislikable. Acting like they could do no wrong like they were innocents, absolute saints. Or blaming someone who didn't do anything wrong, someone who couldn't even defend themselves. Then not taking the blame, like they had no clue how something as horrible as ambulances not coming when they were supposed to could have happened. Mirabella had a feeling they knew but didn't want to say what happened.

Mirabella hated not knowing. Especially when it was something that had happened to her. Something that still haunted her days and her dreams.

And even if one day the nightmares stopped and she could manage to not think about it every day, she was still scarred with the reminder of the crash. Of the fire that nearly killed her. If she had stayed inside that car for any longer than she had she would have breathed the toxins of the fire in and she would have died from it. The doctor had told her that later. The only reason why she didn't say so earlier is because she didn't want to scare her or make her more worried than she already was. It would have been one good news with even more bad news.

And that whole situation could have been avoided if the safety measures had been in place and working like they were supposed to. But they hadn't and still no one knew why. Maybe except for the FIA.

There was a possibility that they didn't know. Of course there was. But did she really believe that? No, she didn't.

It was easy to forget all of that though when she was with Lewis. When they were travelling around, just them. Not feeling the stress of the watchful eyes of, well... everyone. Usually, that was a problem. There was never anything that was fully private, but when they were away from their usual life, which consisted of racing, interviews and everything in between, they actually had a feeling that they weren't watched every second of every single day.

Don't get her wrong, she knew people were watching them as they walked down the streets. She knew people took photos of them when they saw the two of them. She knew that because of the evidence that had been plastered all over the internet. It would almost be ignorant to believe that people wouldn't be watching them. That was probably one of her least favourite things about being famous, there was always someone watching.

But she knew she was blessed. She knew her life could be so much worse. Many things made her life difficult and depressing, but compared to so many others in the world, her life was really good.

Also feeling like she wasn't surrounded by a dark, depressing rain cloud definitely helped her not be blind to it. Because she used to be, only a few months ago actually.

But now she knew her life wasn't so bad. Could it be better? Did it have its faults? Yes. To both. But... she didn't want to replace it with something else. She might have a degree in interior architecture, but she still couldn't imagine doing that instead of racing. Maybe in another universe, but not in this one.

One thing that made her excited about the Gala though was the dress. It wasn't something she had found in a store or a boutique. It was made from the beginning. Picking fabrics, the shape and the inspiration.

She's always liked the look of silk, the feeling too. The softness and the glamour it was surrounded with. She liked the idea of black and gold. The dress itself would be black just with gold jewellery; bangles, a chunky necklace, dangly earrings and waist chains. It wouldn't be too many accessories, that wasn't the point of it. It would be a perfect balance, not too much, not too little. Just perfect.

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