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Mirabella tried to enjoy the seven-day break, but with the future meeting with her and Hamilton's PR managers⏤which would decide what the two drivers were going to be forced to do for however long⏤looming over her head she found it to be quite a difficult task.

She tried to distract herself from it by working out way too much, going for long walks through Monaco, hanging out with friends⏤outside the home⏤and stress-cooking. Because of the latter she had ended up with a full fridge and given a lot of it to charity. The charities were both real charities and Charles and Lando.

Mirabella finally got the dreaded message from Aurora on Wednesday. The meeting was scheduled for Thursday, which meant that she had to book a plane ticket as fast as she could. Technically if she didn't manage to book a ticket in time, she had connections so she'd end up with a ticket anyway, but she didn't want to bother with contacting them. Too much of a hassle. So stress-booking it was.

The rest of the Wednesday passed by in a blur, and she was sitting in the first-class seat, blasting music from her air pods, and watching the scenery change from cities and land to the blue sea.

Falling asleep wasn't something she managed to do, the nerves keeping her awake through the whole trip to England.

Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long by the carousel when she made it there. It seemed like someone had blessed her with luck this year since she had not once had to wait long for her luggage. Would that last? Probably not.

Mirabella found a black cab quickly, directing it towards the hotel where she would be staying for the night. Then when that was done she grabbed her phone, checking the time.


Which meant that she had thirty-five minutes before she had to be at the Mercedes headquarters.

Mirabella took off the clothing she had worn on the trip, which consisted of navy blue sweatpants and a simple singlet, with her vintage Ferrari jacket over. And instead, she switched them with a pair of beige cargo pants, that fit around her thighs a little more tight than what she preferred, and a turtleneck with vertical stripes of white, purple and pink that she⏤to her surprise⏤had gotten after a Chanel shoot she did a few months ago. 

Mirabella had stacked gold necklaces around her neck, her usual gold earrings, stacked bracelets around her wrist and a watch on her other.

Mirabella finally made it out of her hotel room, after making sure everything looked just right for like the hundredth time.

She quickly paid the chauffeur after they pulled up at the headquarters and stepped out of the cab. After taking a quick look at her watch⏤seeing she was just on time⏤she hurried inside in a way that some called a power walk.

Mirabella enjoyed making places her personal fashion runway.

The second she entered the reception she noticed Aurora waiting for her, looking through her phone with her classic furrow between her eyebrows from stress or concentration. She was wearing a dark green suit, with a white button-up underneath and a waistcoat to put it all together. Her dark curls were put up into a bun with some strands falling out of it quite naturally. Her silver earrings stood in contrast to her darker skin, suiting her beautifully.

Aurora glanced up at her when she noticed her stopping in front of her, and the furrow dropped, her eyes filling with relief. "There you are," she said in her Scouse accent. "Just on time. Follow me."

The woman began walking right away and Mirabella had to jog to catch up with her, but quickly fell into pace with her. "What? No, hello, Bella. You look beautiful today," she wondered. A seductive smile took over when she looked at her up and down, and she couldn't help but add, "Because you look stunning today, Rora."

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