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Mirabella walked down the corridor, dragging her luggage behind her, watching for the right room number. She didn't get the key card, so Hamilton was obviously already there.


She knocked on the door, waiting for it to open so she could come inside the room. It opened, revealing her teammate. He was looking at his phone and was already walking back inside. Thankfully the door wasn't heavy, so it didn't close after him.

Since he was distracted she couldn't help but glance at what he was wearing. Baggy jeans and a tight black turtleneck. Mirabella made herself look away, instead pulling her luggage with her inside.

She closed the door behind her and just then she heard barks from behind her, making her swear and put a hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat rise. She turned, seeing the small bulldog behind her looking up at her.

When she smiled down at him, he barked again and waddled to her, right in front of her feet.

Mirabella squatted down and put her hand out, letting him sniff her hand and push his head into it. She smiled when he allowed her to pet him. "Hi, Roscoe."

Roscoe barked at her again, making her let out a giggle. Then she realised and she looked up, staring at the invisible camera with a confused frown. Since when does she giggle? Then again it's a cute dog, so who cares?

"Do I have to be worried that you'll kidnap him?" she heard Hamilton ask her and she looked up at him, where he was lying on the bed that he had made his own. He leaned his head on his palm, the other hand holding his phone, and was watching her and Roscoe closely.

"I mean," she started and shrugged, looking down at the bulldog, who looked up at her with happy eyes. "You definitely should. How would you not want to when he's so cute."

"Cuter than me?" he asked, a teasing tilt in his voice.

She gave him a look, a furrow between her eyebrows. Then she looked down at Roscoe and leaned down towards him. "Your dad's delusional."

"I heard that."

"That was the point." She gave Roscoe one last scratch behind his ear before she stood up and put one of her suitcases onto the other bed.

Mirabella began packing out into dressers and then the bathroom. She placed her suitcases to the side somewhere—so they weren't in the way—and landed on her bed, grabbing one of the pillows and placing it under her chest so she could lay more comfortably while she scrolled through her phone.

Maybe fifteen minutes later, she moved up from the bed and started putting on her shoes again. Roscoe lifted his head to look at her, then basically fell right back down and went back to the comfortable sleeping position.

"Where are you going?"

Mirabella glanced at him before she looked away again. She only answered with one word, "Mick."

She didn't see it but he frowned. "You're always with him."

"Okay?" She looked confused as she looked at him. He almost looked upset in a way. Not sad, but irritated. "Why do you care?"

"I don't," he denied, shaking his head and acting nonchalant by looking at his phone.

She narrowed her eyes at him, seeing through him. He cared, she just didn't understand why. She let out a huff of laughter as she grabbed one of the key cards on the dresser, putting it in her pocket. Then she let out a hum, "Mhm. Sure."

As she opened the door—walking out of it—and heard him call out after her, "I don't!"

The door closed behind her and a small amused smile made its way onto her lips. Sure you don't.

SHAMELESS, lewis hamilton¹Where stories live. Discover now