57: Inevitables

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Life is a road none taken 

Each one has their own battles 

Like a melody finding it's rightful music 

So is people , So is changes ;

It's inevitable!

The game has started since

The day you first came to the world 

The purpose we've been seeking

Is an uphill climb journey , 

Sometimes it's rock-bottomed.

Life's a tale not always happy ever after 

Like seasons and memories 

It weaves through the years 

Like failures and happiness , 

Perfection doesn't exist!

I have to do that..

I have to do this..

I'm shackled and compelled 

I'm a slave of my own ignorance , 

The world is a cruel place!

What about my wants?

What about my needs?

Just because I loosened up a bit 

Doesn't mean I'm selfish , 

Is it a sin to be imperfect?

War is an expensive excuse 

For humanities shallowed thoughts

I've witnessed lives wasted 

But the hatred doesn't go , 

Revenge passed on to generations!

It's inevitable , it's a sad reality 

Greed breeds inner demons 

Desires and lustful a menace 

The world is dirtied , 

Society's a hellish paradise indeed.

Life's a borrowed soul 

It's starts and ends one day 

Lived , loved and relationships 

Someday when it all gets old , 

In your twilight years ;

It's a passing gift.

Such is a daunting tale 

So is a life 

When you realized your worth 

It's a lifetime reimagined , 

Inevitables are life itself!

~ nniiwwpoetry ~ 01/23/24

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