24 - They're Mine 🌶️

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Juliet's POV

"You smell like him."

"What? Like who?"


I grinned, knowing Ominis couldn't see me anyway. He was almost as protective as Sebastian. It was cute. And despite his snappy attitude towards Sebastian most of the time, he was still so easily manipulated into doing Sebastian's biddings for him – like waiting outside my class 'til midnight to escort me back to my dorm...

"What does he smell like?" I egged him on.

Ominis inhaled deeply and screwed up his nose. "Lemon sherbet? And definitely a hint of botched potions."

I chuckled, he wasn't wrong.

"He leant me his robes tonight," I said, making Ominis stop in his tracks. "It was freezing out there..."

"Right..." he clicked his tongue. "Welp, Sebastian's going to love that."

"I don't care," I huffed.

I did care, though. I didn't want to fight with him any more. More importantly, I didn't want to be deemed to be the one in the wrong.

When we got back to the Slytherin Common Room, Ominis began walking me up to the girl's dorms, but I paused.

"I want to see him. Where is he?"

Ominis told me that when he'd left to come get me, Sebastian had just hopped in the shower. Without saying a word, I turned around, my arm still linked with his, and led him towards their dorm.

"Thirsty bitch," Ominis muttered, a sly grin forming on his lips.

"Oh shut it," I grinned back.

When we got to his dorm, I didn't bother knocking, I just burst right in. Sebastian was out of the shower, wearing just a pair of grey sweatpants, and a towel draped around his shoulders that he was using to dry his hair with. He barely flinched when I barged into the room, almost as if he was expecting me.

My heart raced as I fought to control my immediate wayward thoughts... I'm supposed to be mad at him still from earlier. But he's just so hot... especially shirtless. Body cut from marble... tousled hair dripping wet... droplets falling on his broad chest and rolling down his abs...

I just want him to take me right here. I want him to grab me and fuck my brains out and...

"Ah, look what the kneazle dragged in," he said, the corner of his mouth lifting into a lopsided grin. "How was class?"

How could I stay mad at him?

"Fine," I said in a plain voice, feeling a little contrite from our fight earlier. "I transformed Leander into the pig he is... gave him a curly tail and a snout."

Ominis snorted out laughing. "You didn't tell me that part! I bet he nearly wet himself."

"Pretty much," I smirked, feeling proud.

"I don't know what I expected you to say, but it wasn't that... " Sebastian raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm sure he deserved it... but, what happened?" He sat on the edge of his bed, continuing to towel-dry his hair with vigor.

I had to explain the whole situation, about all the boys gawking... and why... and how Garreth covered me with his robes... and of course, Sebastian tensed up as he listened to the whole story.

Ominis whistled and looked up at the ceiling, visibly uncomfortable. "Right... well, while you dig your way out of this one, I have to go and... I just have to... go..." He dashed out of the room, whipping the door closed behind him.

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