16 - The Morning After 🌶️

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Juliet's POV

The sunlight pierced through my eyelids as morning broke, waking me from slumber. I slowly opened my eyes, and after a brief moment of confusion, I realised I had slept over at Sebastian's again.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I looked up to see Sebastian still sleeping peacefully. I smiled to myself, a feeling of warmth and comfort flooded over me as I realised we were still wrapped up in each other's arms.

Any remnants of anger I had towards him about 'the bet' had dissipated, as I recalled the way he took care of me the previous night. A newfound appreciation for Sebastian took hold of me instead.

I carefully untangled myself from his arms and slipped out of the bed. Creeping downstairs as quietly as possible, I looked around for my handbag, which I found hanging on the coat stand. I took it into the bathroom with me, and pulled out my little makeup bag. First, I downed a Wiggenweld to get rid of my pounding headache, and then I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out. Studying my disheveled appearance in the mirror, I decided to not only remove the remnants of last night's makeup, but to also apply a touch of fresh makeup, and brush my hair out, trying to keep my appearance somewhat natural.

I tiptoed back upstairs, and admired Sebastian's cuteness as he continued sleeping. Stealthily sliding back under the covers and pretending to be asleep, I held my breath with anticipation as I waited for him to wake up, shifting my position to show off a bit of skin.

I felt him stir beside me, and when I was sure he was fully awake, I fluttered my eyes open, feigning mild surprise.

"Good morning, gorgeous," he purred in his husky morning voice.

"Good morning to you," I responded, trying to sound casual, as I faked a yawn and stretched my limbs out, arching my back.

"Good God, do you naturally just wake up looking this stunning, Jules?" he gushed.

"What? No, I'm sure I look awful, I just woke up!" I feigned another yawn and pretended to rub my eyes, careful to not smudge my fresh mascara.

"You feeling alright? You were pretty wasted last night..." he chuckled. "And just so you know... last night we... we didn't..."

"I know," I cut him off. "I remember coming here with you. And the way you took care of me. Thank you. You're really a true friend Seb, I appreciate you."

"Friend, huh?" he repeated with a soft smile, pondering my choice of words. He looked slightly dismayed.

"Yes... friend," I said firmly.

"Right," he responded, shifting awkwardly in the bed. After a moment, he slowly peeled the covers back and began to get out of bed.

"What? Do you have something you want to say?" I challenged him, trying my best not to perve at his incredible physique as he sat upright, shirtless.

He sighed. "Jules... you know I have feelings for you. It's hard to hear you call me just a 'friend' after... well, after everything."

Flashes of him dropping the 'L' bomb on me last night cross my mind.

"Well, what would you call us?" I challenged him again.

He paused for a moment to think, leaning back on the headboard, with his hands behind his head. "Friends... with benefits?" he smirked suggestively.

I smacked him with a pillow.

He laughed and playfully narrowed his eyes as he grabbed a pillow and held it up. "Oh, you're asking for it now," he teased with a sly grin.

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