18 - HIGH School

262 11 9

Juliet's POV

"You're going to be late! Get up!" Anne hovered over Sebastian and I, shaking us awake. "Breakfast time!"

Sebastian must have fallen asleep and accidentally stayed the night in our dorm... oops! He groaned but didn't move, and I was pinned under his arm which was slung across me. I opened my eyes and connected with Anne's. I smiled at her, and a knowing smirk spread across her face.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

I wriggled my arm out from Sebastian and held it up to give her a thumbs down.

"Sorry hun," she frowned sympathetically. "I'll give you two some privacy... see you at breakfast."

I shimmied myself upright and clutched my stomach. Bloody cramps, still!

Sebastian stirred, and looked up at me sadly when he realised I was still in pain. He nuzzled under my arms and kissed my stomach. I smiled down at him and ran my fingers through his messy brown hair.

"Wanna skip breakfast and cuddle instead?" he said softly. I snuggled back down under the covers with him, and he spooned me, pulling me in tightly against him. And then I felt a poking against my backside...

"Sebastian!" I scolded.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it!" he said in an exasperated tone. "Morning glory... you know?"

I giggled and then winced as the pain hit me again.

"I've got an idea... do you trust me?" he said.

"... Yeess..." I answered cautiously.

"Accio!" he flicked his wand, and his bag flew into his hands. He sat up and rummaged through it, pulling out a small tube. He popped the lid open, and shook out a purple gummy into my hand. "Eat it."

"What is it?" I asked skeptically.

"It's just a CBD gummy, it should help ease your pain," he smiled encouragingly.

"I can't take this before class!" I exclaimed.

"Yes you can, it's CBD Jules, look!" and with that, he took another one from the tube and popped it in his mouth, chewing it slowly. "See? It's fine."

Hesitantly, I popped the gummy in my mouth.

We hopped out of bed and got dressed for the day. Sebastian said he had to pop by his dorm to grab his History of Magic text book, so I went with him, noticing a warm sensation spreading throughout my body on the walk to his dorm.

Ominis was still fast asleep, so we woke him up and waited for him to get ready as well.

"At this rate, I think we are going to have to skip breakfast," I sighed impatiently, noting the time, as I sat cross-legged on Sebastian's bed. Ominis took a long time to get ready, I swear he spends longer doing his hair than I do on mine.

"That's alright, we always have a stash of food in here," Ominis grinned. He opened up a cupboard and pulled out three blueberry muffins.

"Ugh, I hate muffins," I scrunched up my nose at him.

He rolled his eyes, and took a bite of his muffin. Sebastian scoffed his down, and wrapped the third one up in a paper bag and tucked it into his satchel.

"Well if we aren't going down to the Great Hall, then I think we at least have time for a game of Exploding Snap!" Sebastian said excitedly, pulling a deck of cards out of his bag.

Once Ominis was ready, he joined us on the bed, and we played a few rounds of the card game. The game was fairly straight forward - any time an identical card was played, we'd hit the card with the tip of our wand, the winner gaining a point. But each round we played, the cards shuffled in faster and faster.

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