15 - The Post-Game Party

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3rd Person POV

The Three Broomsticks was packed to the brim with Hogwarts students either celebrating Slytherin's victory, or drowning their sorrows about Gryffindor's loss. Music was pumping throughout the bar, mingled with the sound of clinking glasses and buzzing students. Garreth was ignoring Imelda, Leander was sulking in a corner on his own, and Natty and Grace were still arguing about who touched the Snitch first.

The doors to the bar burst open, and Sebastian entered the room with a smug grin and his arm wrapped around Juliet. The whole place screamed and cheered, slapping him on the back and fist bumping him as he walked through the crowd.

"How does it feel to be on a date with the MVP, Jules," Sebastian gloated as they neared the bar.

"Oh, please. Don't let it get to your head, Sebastian," Juliet scoffed. "I'm only here because I couldn't let you throw the game and blame me. Technically, I've been coerced."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, princess," he chuckled.

He ordered them both a drink from Sirona at the bar, and led Juliet over to a table. Placing the drinks down, he pulled out a chair for her. She reluctantly took a seat.

"Oh shit, I forgot..." Sebastian went to pull the drink away from her, but Juliet snatched it back, and maintaining eye contact with Sebastian, she downed it completely. He raised an eyebrow at her, amused. "Alright then..."

"What? You keep telling me I need to let loose," she shot him a sarcastic smile.

A group of girls came over to their table, ignoring Juliet completely, and draping themselves over Sebastian.

"You looked so good out there today, Sebby!"

"Yeah you did such an amazing job!"

"I'd go out with you any time, Sebastian, you wouldn't need to beg me!"

Sebastian was a little uncomfortable at the attention, but being the charming man he is, he politely accepted the compliments from the girls and flashed them an appreciative smile. Juliet was not impressed. She scraped her chair back aggressively and shot up, and headed toward the bar.

Sebastian ran after her. "Jules, wait!"

She ordered a shot of Firewhiskey. "This is how you want to win me over?" she turned on him. "You're just going to flirt with other girls right in front of my face, when I finally go on a date with you?" she downed the shot, grimacing and wiping her mouth afterwards.

"I'm sorry, they put me on the spot... what was I meant to say?" his expression quickly changed from worried to confident. "Hey... are you... jealous?"

"No!" Juliet responded far too quickly and defensively to be true. She ordered another shot.

"You totally are," Sebastian smirked, crossing his arms. "That must mean some part of you does still like me."

Juliet grabbed the shot from the bar and disappeared into the crowd. Sebastian tried following her, but was stopped in his tracks by Adelaide Oakes, who flung herself on him.

"Kiss me!" she slurred in his face.

Sebastian untangled her arms from around his neck. "Uhhh..." he looked around frantically, noticing Amit sitting on a chair on his own. "Kiss him!" He guided Adelaide over to Amit. She plopped herself down in Amit's lap and began making out with him.

"Hey, thanks man!" Amit called out after Sebastian as he batted his way through the crowd to find Juliet.

He reached her just in time to watch her down the next shot.

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