9 - Welcome Back Party

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Juliet's POV

"'I might not have stopped you if we were alone'... He SAID THAT to you, about whipping your shirt open in class? Seriously?" Poppy gushed, as I filled her in on my interactions with Sebastian that day. We were catching up on our first day back as we headed to the Ravenclaw Common room for the Welcome Back party.

"YES Poppy! And he winked. What do you think? Am I totally delulu, or is he actually into me?"

"Geez, I haven't seen you this perky in a long time," Poppy giggled. "I like how Sebastian looks on you."

We both froze at Poppy's awkward choice of words, and then burst into laughter.

"And of course he's actually into you," she continued. "I don't think he ever stopped being into you, Juliet. But it does sound like he's trying to be a bit more obvious about it... maybe he'll make a move tonight at the party?"

We ran into Grace and Violet at the entrance to the Ravenclaw Common Room, so we all entered the party together. The room was adorned with twinkling lights, and pulsating music filled the air. The vibes were great and I was feeling excited to see Sebastian so I could reconnect with him properly... especially after the interactions we'd had during the day.

"Hey baddie, having fun?" I heard an annoying voice ask me, before I'd even had time to fully take in my surroundings. I whirled around to find that gross Ravenclaw dude googly-eyed in front of me.

"I don't know yet Elliot, I literally just got here," I sighed impatiently. Poppy looked slightly proud of me before crossing her arms and glowering at him.

"Oh uh, ha, it's Everett, actually. And I bet we could have some fun together if you want to come hang out?" he winked, giving me the ick. Poppy basically gagged.

"Ugh... um... you know Grace, right?" I pulled Grace over in front of me, figuring it'd be chill since she was obsessed with this weirdo.

"Sure, yep... hi Grace," he greeted her apprehensively.

"Hi Everett," Grace giggled.

He still just stood there, staring at me awkwardly. I started to feel really uncomfortable.

"How about getting us some drinks, Emmet?" I prompted him curtly.

"It's Everett," he laughed nervously. "But certainly, I will get you ladies a round of drinks! Butterbeer? Firewhiskey? Mulled wine? Ru..."

"Surprise us," I cut him off, flashing him a very tense smile.

He excitedly rushed off to the bar.

"Why is he so obsessed with you?" Grace huffed.

"Because she either ignores him or is a bitch to him, Grace," Poppy explained, making me laugh. "You see, men are idiots. They tend to ignore the ones who are interested in them, and they..."

"Firewhiskey all 'round!" Everett proudly exclaimed, interrupting Poppy as he returned with a tray of Firewhiskey shots.

Before I could respond, someone grabbed me around the waist, scooping me up with one strong, muscly arm, and carried me off. I realised it was Sebastian who had swooped in to rescue me. My heart almost exploded out of my chest.

"Sebastian!" I squealed, giggling at his grand gesture.

Grace gratefully accepted a shot from Everett, thanking him as he watched Sebastian carry me away with dismay. Violet and Poppy also grabbed a shot each, but walked away to leave Grace alone with him.

"The hell was that, Sebastian?" Everett called after him. "What kind of guy just picks a girl up and carries her away while you're talking to her?"

Sebastian didn't turn back but held his middle finger up to Everett as he walked away.

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