3 - Richard Jackdaw

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Over the next few weeks, I ended up venturing out of the school on various missions and adventures, with different friends for different reasons – with Sebastian, with Poppy, and with JD. Sebastian had taken to tutoring me all the naughty spells I probably wasn't meant to learn, which really satisfied my rebellious side, and we'd practice them on creepy animals that lurked in the forests around the school. I think he just wanted me to be prepared for battle, as he knew there were dark wizards after me. Poppy taught me about rescuing beasts from poachers, and we would sneak out from time to time when we heard of nearby poacher camps, so we could take them down. And JD wanted to show me all of the secret spots within and around the school that he'd learned during his time as a student, around a hundred years ago.

My connections with each of them grew stronger and stronger each day.

Imelda spent those same weeks dangling Garreth right in front of me, on purpose. She was draped all over him at any opportunity she had, asking me in front of him to tell him his hair looked cute pushed back, and putting me down constantly.

"Aren't people from California meant to be like, really tanned?" she asked me one night at dinner, in front of everyone.

"Yeah... I guess that's why they kicked me out and sent me to fucking Scotland, Imelda," I sneered.

Garreth snorted. "Ha! Good one, Juliet. You're funny," he nudged me playfully. Imelda whacked his arm angrily and stormed off. He rolled his eyes and gave me a cheeky smirk before he chased after her.

Garreth had taken to sitting at the Slytherin table with us, and even though he had chosen reconciling with Imelda over exploring something new with me, I was still pulled in by his charm and wanted to be around him. So I continued to maintain somewhat of a friendship with the girls. But I made Ominis and Sebastian sit with me too, so I didn't go completely insane.


One evening, as I was walking back to my dorm with Sebastian and Ominis through the dungeons, a ghost popped out of the wall in front of us.

"BOO!!" JD chuckled as he reached out to grab my shoulders, sending an icy chill through my body.

"Oh Merlin!! JD you scared me!" I giggled. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you, of course, my dear!" he beamed at me. He turned to the boys. "Hello there my Slytherin friends! May I have a word with Juliet alone?"

Ominis nodded politely and headed into the Common Room. Sebastian lingered, with a look of disdain painted across his face as he glared at JD. He had been very verbal to me about his concern regarding my growing friendship with JD, and he was sceptical of JD's intentions with me. Which was just... ridiculous!

"What is it, JD?" I smiled sweetly at him, shooing Sebastian away.

"Juliet, I wanted to ask you for a favour," JD looked at me coyly.

"Of course! What is it?" I responded.

"Well, when I died, I had something on me that was very precious to me. I've always wanted to retrieve it, but I've been too anxious and afraid to return to the location of my death... as I'm sure you can understand," he sighed.

"Of course I can understand that, JD," I said softly. "Count me in."

"Splendid!" he beamed. "Meet me at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, tomorrow night, say 8pm?"

"It's a date!" I exclaimed eagerly. He gazed into my eyes affectionately before wishing me a good night and floating back through the wall.


The next day, JD surprised me by accompanying me on my walk to Herbology Class. He seemed very excited about our adventure that evening, and said he didn't want to wait all day to see me.

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