30 - The Birthday Present 🌶️

214 7 30

Cover image artist: HotCinnam0n

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"You're here. Good," Sebastian greeted Juliet bluntly as she entered his bedroom in his Hogsmeade house, nodding his head toward the door to the deck. "You can help with decorations out on the deck. Poppy got it started, but she just ducked out with Ominis to get the grog for tonight."

He was sitting in a big brown leather armchair in the corner of his room, by the fireplace, lazily blowing up balloons with his wand. He looked bored.

"Hey Jules, how are you? Oh I'm good thanks Seb, excited to be here to celebrate your birthday. Thanks so much for coming, I appreciate you being here early to help us decorate the house for the party tonight. Yeah no sweat, Sebastian, anything for you. No, really Jules, it means a lot to me..." Juliet faked a conversation sarcastically, to point out his rudeness.

"Did you come with anyone?" Sebastian ignored her sarcasm, leaning forward to peer out the door past her shoulder.

"No... I came alone," she answered, almost as a question. "You relieved I didn't bring a date?" she said smugly, trying to coax a smile out of him. He wasn't impressed.

"What have I told you about traveling outside of Hogwarts alone?" he scowled. "Have you got a death wish?"

Juliet knew he was just worried about her. Ever since the beach day with Rookwood's gang attacking them, he was always on her case about making sure she didn't venture out on her own, until Rookwood had been dealt with once and for all.

"Yeah, ok Dad!" Juliet laughed... Sebastian frowned. "Oh come on, Seb, lighten up! I got here in one piece, didn't I?" she twirled around. He grumbled something inaudible, slumping back in his chair and returning to his balloon task.

Juliet started to feel a little awkward, not really sure why Sebastian was being so cold. He should be in a good mood, it was his birthday! She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, the familiar scent of bitter peach and sandalwood filling her senses with a comforting feeling. She opened her eyes after taking a moment, noting Sebastian was barely paying attention to her.

She took her coat off and flung it on his bed. "Don't worry, I'll just make myself at home."

He raised his head up to look at her, quirking an eyebrow. He tried his best to not react when he drank in the sight of her. She was wearing a fitting black mesh top, her black bra peeking through... noticeably... tight black jeans, accentuating her curvy ass, and spiked heels. It took all his might not to salivate.

"How the fuck do you manage to walk in those things?" he nodded at her shoes.

"Well, Sebastian, I didn't walk here, I flew," she flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Don't you like them? I thought they were hot." She strutted up the length of his bedroom with her arms straight and hands flared out, cat-walk style, swaying her hips as she clip-clopped along the wooden floor to show-off how well she could walk in them. "And besides," she stopped to remove one, holding it up, "They double as a weapon."

Sebastian shook his head. "Impressive," he drawled, before returning his attention to the balloons.

Juliet sighed, feeling like she was failing at engaging with him. She removed her other shoe and knelt on the floor across from him. "Can I help you with those balloons?"

Sebastian glanced at her, his expression unreadable. "Sure, knock yourself out," he muttered, nodding toward a pile of colourful rubber.

A heavy silence fell between them as she began to help him with his balloon task.

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