10 - It All Falls Apart 🌶️

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Juliet's POV

The morning after the party, I woke up thinking it had all been a dream. I lay in bed for a while replaying the events of the night before. Sebastian holding my hand. Sebastian confessing his feelings for me. Sebastian kissing me...

I felt like I was on Cloud 9!

I could have easily slept with him last night. Our makeout session was so hot, I really wanted to. But in the moment, something held me back. It was like... I didn't want to rush things. Sebastian's behaviour all day had caught me off-guard, and I guess I felt I needed to process it all before taking it any further.

Although, I don't know how long I'll be able to last...

I was taken out of my thoughts by a loud knocking on the door. Confused, I looked at the time - six-thirty. That was pretty early for a visitor.

Not wanting to wake Anne, I crept as silently as I could over to the door, and opened it a crack.

"Morning," Sebastian stood in the doorway, his arms crossed, a serious look on his face. His hair was tousled, he was bare-foot, and he only wore a pair of grey sweatpants. No shirt...

"Sebastian!" I was shocked to see him but also elated. Merlin, he is such a babe! I put my hand on his abdomen... his rock hard abdomen... to push him back slightly, to allow myself out of the room. He tried to peer around me as I shut the door closed gently behind me. He looked sullen... almost angry?

"What's the matter?" I asked in a worried voice.

"Is Ominis in there?" he asked urgently, looking hard at my closed door.

"In my room?" I asked, shocked and slightly offended. "Why on earth would Ominis be in my room?"

Sebastian paused, he looked a little relieved. "Well, he didn't come back to our dorm last night."

I laughed. "That's not unusual for Ominis though, is it?"

Sebastian furrowed his brows. He was thinking hard for the right response. "He never sleeps overnight with a girl. Something is up," he said eventually.

"Oh, I'm up alright," a muffled voice came through the door. Ominis...

Sebastian gritted his teeth in anger and ripped my door open.

There was Ominis, lying on Anne's bed. Anne was still fast asleep, Ominis was lying beside her but on top of the blankets. His arms folded across his chest, a smug AF look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian seethed. He turned to me. "You lied to me?"

"Oh my god..." I clasped my hand over my mouth, I was just as shocked as Sebastian. And then I became angry. "OMINIS GAUNT! What are you doing in our room?" I scolded.

"Calm down, both of you," he rolled his eyes. Anne stirred beside him. "I was looking after your mess of a sister, Sallow. While you were off... well, with Jules..." he smirked, "This one," he poked Anne, "Overindulged. I brought her back here and Jules was already fast asleep. I couldn't just leave her unattended to so I slept over. No big deal."

Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief. "Right. Got it. Well, uh... thanks for taking care of her, Om."

"Can't believe you thought I lied to you," I pouted.

Sebastian's face softened. "Sorry, love," he pulled me into a warm embrace. "I'll never doubt you again!"

"Can't believe you thought I fucked your sister," Ominis scoffed.

Sebastian shot him a dirty look, which I'm sure Ominis sensed.


Sebastian's POV

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