7 - Halloween

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Around ten minutes into arriving at the party, Ominis had already managed to score. He confidently swaggered up to the Ravenclaw girls dormitories, as Samantha Dale pulled him along.

Sebastian had attended the party with Ominis, but was used to this happening, so he scanned around the room for someone else to hang with. And it was at that moment he saw her.

Glittering under the strobe lights, Juliet entered the party, looking so beautiful that Sebastian choked on his drink when he laid eyes on her. Her long auburn hair was set in loose waves, and her dress... damn. She looked ethereal. Like an angel.

Juliet's eyes swept around the room, and when they landed Sebastian, her face lit up. They made their way toward each other, and met in the middle of the room.

"You made it!" he smiled and pulled her into a hug. "And you are... an angel?"

"Juliet," she giggled.

"Yes I know your name, love," Sebastian smirked teasingly.

"Capulet!" she squeezed his arm playfully. "Aren't you familiar with Shakespeare?"

"Did my heart love till now?" Sebastian picked Juliet's hand up in his, "Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night," he pressed a soft kiss into her hand as he locked eyes with her.

"Ohh, ok Romeo!" she giggled nervously. Her heart was beating out of her chest. "It's quite fitting that you're dressed as a knight, in shining armour nonetheless!"

Sebastian chuckled. "Can I get you something to drink?" She nodded.

They ventured over to the bar together, and Sebastian grabbed two Butterbeers. He led her over to a couch and took a seat. When Juliet sat down beside him, he moved his arm across the back of the chair behind her.

After a few people made some comments, asking them if they were now 'an item', she started to lose her nerve and became extremely anxious about it all. She excused herself from his company, saying she wanted to do the rounds and socialise a bit.

She sought Poppy out in the crowd to down a shot with her, then she went to Natty, then to Violet, and she continued to dart through the party to her various friends to partake in drinking shots. She wanted to get drunk.

And oh, did she get drunk.

In fact, she got completely shitfaced.

Sebastian had noticed that Juliet seemed to be avoiding him, and he worried that perhaps he'd come on too strong earlier, so he let it be and spent most of his time with his Hufflepuff friend, Adelaide Oaks. Adelaide had been a friend-with-benefits for a while, but lately he'd lost interest and tried to just stick to the friends part. So later in the evening, when Adelaide started to become a bit too handsy, Sebastian got up and walked around the party, scanning the room for Juliet. He was a little concerned when he couldn't find her, so he started to ask around.

"Imelda, have you seen Jules? I can't find her anywhere!" he couldn't hide the panic in his voice.

Imelda rolled her eyes. "Calm down, drama king. Last I saw her, she was over there," she scoffed, pointing to a group of Gryffindor boys.

Sebastian made his way over to the group, which included Leander Prewett, Hector Jenkins, Lawrence Davies, Eric Northcott, and Lucan Brattleby. He grabbed Lucan aside.

"What's going on here?" he asked Lucan sternly.

Lucan's face fell when he saw Sebastian, he seemed nervous. "Nothing, Sebastian, just Juliet being kind of wasted and entertaining everyone."

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