17 - In The Stars

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Juliet's POV

After the shower, wrapped up in just a bath towel, I walked down to the kitchen to rustle up some coffee, Sebastian in tow behind me.

"Mooorrrning," a low voice rang out as I entered the kitchen.

I screamed. And then I screamed again when my eyes focussed on the sight in front of me.

Ominis, stark naked, leaning against the kitchen sink with a mug in his hand.

"Thought you two would never finish in there," he nodded toward the bathroom, casually taking a sip from his mug, a smirk plastered across his face.

"Oh for Merlin's sake, Ominis," Sebastian scolded, rushing up to cover my eyes with his hands. "We do dishes in there!"

"Quit clutching your pearls, Sebastian. It's nothing you haven't seen before," Ominis chuckled.

Although I was flustered, I couldn't help giggling, "Well I can certainly see what all the fuss is about."

Sebastian turned me around and pulled my face into his chest, continuing to shield my eyes with his hand.

"Ugh, Ominis put some bloody clothes on," Sebastian chided. "You're defiling her eyes. Just because you can't see..."

"Alright, alright," he said. "But my robe is in the bathroom..."

Sebastian stormed back to the bathroom to get him the robe. I tried to gather my composure, but Ominis was looking me dead in the eye, still smirking.

"Slippery little minx, your friend," he broke the silence.

"Poppy?" I asked.

"Yes. I wanted to bring her back here with me last night but she snuck away."

"Oh, she's just shy," I said. "And she's a little old-fashioned. Perhaps you should try taking her out on a date first?"

"Hm... hadn't thought of that. Thanks Jules, I'll give that a try."

Sebastian came back into the kitchen and shoved a plush, black robe at Ominis. "Don't talk to her again until you've covered yourself."

"Was just trying to diffuse the tension..." Ominis said defensively, as he tied his robe around him. "How about I whip up a delicious breakfast for you lovebirds?"

"That sounds lovely, Ominis," I said gratefully.

"Sure... now that you're clothed. I don't fancy breakfast sausage..." Sebastian said grumpily, but with a hint of humour, making Ominis and I fall about laughing.


"Congratulations to Slytherin for your win this weekend," Professor Onai praised us as we entered her Divination classroom. "I hope you all had fun celebrating post-game!"

"You should ask Sallow," Leander spat out, making the others giggle. Looking over at me, he added, "Babes, you were on fire!"

Everyone at school had been talking about my little performance at The Three Broomsticks, followed by Sebastian carrying me outside and not leaving my side. The rumour mill was hot! But I didn't care in the slightest. And neither did Sebastian. In fact, he seemed to relish in the extra attention.

"Sure did, had a lot of fun," he looked across the room to me and winked, making the students ooh and aah in response. Professor Onai rolled her eyes and began her lesson.

"The study of astrology is extremely complex, so today we are going to start with just the basics," she said as she handed out small booklets simply titled Star Signs.

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