chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Danielle opened her eyes. Everything was blurry. Danielle shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

She looked around. She was in a hospital room. And Greyson was sleeping beside her.

Suddenly, Greyson woke up.

“Danielle?” Greyson mumbled. “Danielle!” Greyson said, sitting up straight, realizing that Danielle has woken up. “Omg you’re awake! I was so worried that you would go on come like before.”

“What are you talking about?” Danielle asked.

“The doctor said there might be a chance that you might fall into a coma like before. But now you’re awake so he is wrong!” Greyson said happily.

Danielle holds her head that was thumping like a drum.

“I’ve called the police and they have caught the person who has hit you. It was Barbie Forteza, the girl that followed me all around when I was in Philippines! I found you on the floor when I got home and I saw her and I called the police.”

“The police told me that she was also the fugitive that got away from the accident! So turns out it wasn’t my fans after all that was trying to kill you, but a crazy bitch. I didn’t know that she came to America.”  Greyson smiled.

“Greyson what are you talking about? What floor? My car crashed into another car on my way to the hospital today-“Danielle put her hand to her stomach.

“Wait, wait.” Danielle looked at her flat tummy. “Greyson, WHERE IS MY BABY? Why is my tummy flat?” Danielle started to panic.

“WHERE’S MY BABY Greyson?! Why am I not pregnant?!” Danielle tugged at Greyson's sleeve.

“Danielle relax!  Our baby is with Charlotte!” Greyson said, trying to calm Danielle down.

“No! My baby hasn’t been born yet!” Danielle cried. “How could Charlotte be holding him?”

That made Greyson pause.

He took hold of Danielle’s shoulder.

“Danielle, Danielle Danielle listen to me, listen.” Greyson said, trying to calm her down.

Danielle whimpered in Greyson's arms.

“Where’s my baby?” she asked quietly.

“Danielle, I'm asking you, what did you do this morning?”

Danielle looked at Greyson as if he was crazy.

“I went to the hospital like you told me to.” Danielle answered her eyes red.

“No Danielle, today I wasn’t at home.” Greyson said, rising an eyebrow.

“No!” Danielle said.” “You told me to have a check up at the hospital.”

“Danielle that happened almost two months ago!” Greyson cried. Suddenly it hit him.

“You remember me Danielle?”

“Of course I do idiot!” Danielle moaned. “Greyson where is my baby?!”

Greyson smiled and hugged Danielle tight.

“Danielle you’ve regained your memory back!” Greyson laughed. He hugged Danielle tighter.

Then he pulled Danielle in for a kiss.

“What-?” Danielle’s word has been cut by Greyson.

Greyson kissed Danielle for quite a moment. A tear fell down his eyes.

“I miss you baby, I miss you.” Greyson said, crying. “I miss you so much.”

Danielle smiled. “I miss you too.”

They kissed for so long before letting go.

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