chapter 36

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Chapter 36

“Look he has your nose!” Charlotte cried, cradling the baby in her arms.

Greyson smiled. They were allowed to hold his baby now. The baby has recovered and is stronger now. He even looked strong.

“Look he’s playing with my finger, look Cody look!” Charlotte cried out loud. Cody smiled.

“Hey let me hold him too.” Greyson said.

Charlotte handed over the baby to Greyson for the first time. Immediately the baby smiled. His eyes were a light blue color and he has blond hair. No one knows where he got the blond hair, because neither Greyson nor Danielle has blond hair.

Cody, Charlotte and Greyson went to see the baby a few days after Ariana came.

“I think he likes me.” Greyson said, smiling.

“Sing him a song Greyson! Sing him a song!” Charlotte cried, clapping her hands.

“okay.” Greyson agreed.

“What do you want to hear huh little man?” Greyson asked his son. The baby just stared into Greyson's eyes. Suddenly he laughed.

“Omg he laughed! Greyson he laughed! That’s so cute!” Charlotte cried, jumping up and down with excitement.

“Whoa, whoa, relax girl.” Cody said, trying to calm Charlotte.

Suddenly, the doctor came. “I'm sorry but I think that enough time for you guys. He has to go back into his room.”

Greyson handed the baby over to the doctor. Instantly, the baby started to cry.

“He likes Greyson!” Charlotte cried. “Give him back to Greyson!”

“I'm sorry but he can’t be out too long and he can’t be too excited for too long or else something bad might happen.”

“Killer joy!” Charlotte said to the doctor quietly, loud enough for Cody to hear.

“Char!” Cody scolded. “He’s the doctor, you have to listen to him.”

Charlotte stuck out her tongue like a little kid.

“Oh come on, let’s go back to the room.” Greyson said.

“Don’t you think you want to name him grey?” Charlotte asked as they walk towards the elevator.

“Nah, I’ll just wait until Danielle wakes up.” Greyson answered simple.

Charlotte gave a worried look at Cody.

“Grey, you look so calm now right? Not like before?” Charlotte said quietly.

“yeah.” Greyson answered, smiling.

“How come? Since Ariana left you look as if Danielle did wake up or something.” Cody said.

“No. it’s just that I have this feeling that Danielle is gonna wake up anytime soon, so I don’t feel so bad like before.”

“Well, that’s, umm, good.” Cody answered.

All three of them went inside the elevator. Suddenly, a girl came in behind them. The elevator door closed. Greyson pushed the floor to Danielle’s room button. But the girl didn’t push any button.

“What room, Miss?” Greyson ask, being polite.

But the girl remained silent, didn’t say a word.

When they reached the floor to Danielle's room, the girl went out along with Greyson, Cody and Charlotte. But instead of going into Danielle's room, she walked right pass it.

“strange.” Greyson whispered under his breath.

They all walked into the room, leaded by Charlotte.

Suddenly, Charlotte screamed.

“Charlotte!” Greyson cried and rushed to Charlotte’s side.

It was Danielle, and she was all awake.

“Danny!!” Charlotte screamed. “You’re awake! OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!!”

Charlotte leaped onto Danielle's bed and hugged her.

“Omg I can’t believe this!” Charlotte cried, tears of happiness falling from her eyes. “I miss you so much girl!!”

Greyson was like a statue, with his mouth opened. His face was blank. It took him a while to realize what was happening.

Greyson ran to Danielle's side and hugged her.

“Danielle I miss you so much!” Greyson cried too, tears by tears falling down his cheek. Greyson took hold of Danielle's chin and kissed her.

But while all of this commotion is going on, none of them realize that Danielle's face was emotionless. Blank.

The first one to realize it was Greyson. He didn’t felt Danielle pushing at his lips like she used to when he kissed her.

Immediately Greyson let go of Danielle. He took hold of Danielle's shoulders and looked her in the eye.

True, Danielle's eyes was like staring into the blue see. As if she is looking at a faraway place. Her face was expressionless. Her head tilted sideward weakly.

“Danielle?” Greyson called to her softly.

Danielle looked at him, but said nothing. Her body was limp, her face was tired and her eyes have black rings indicating him that she has a problem going on inside her head.

Her hair fell of her shoulder onto Greyson's hands. Greyson grip Danielle's shoulders harder.

“Danielle! Answer me!” Greyson cried, shaking her shoulders softly. Tears of sadness again started to fall down his eyes. “Answer me…”

Danielle just gave Greyson another tired look. She shut her eyes tightly, and shook her head hard.


Suddenly she opened her eyes, and looked around the room. Confused look on her face.

“Charlotte?” was the first words that came out of her mouth.

Charlotte was biting her nails. Tears of sadness also started to fall down her eyes, watching the sad scenario between Greyson and Danielle.

“Yes Danny?” Charlotte said, her voice query.

“Who are these guys?” Danielle asked with a tired voice.

Charlotte gasped, and looked at Greyson and Cody, not knowing what to say.

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