chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Saturday was today.

Greyson has told Cody who told Charlotte that he was going to come to Danielle’s house as soon as he came back.

Charlotte unfortunately couldn't come to her house that day because she had to meet Cody at an autograph session somewhere quite far away from Danielle's house.

Mrs. Roberts wasn’t going to be at home too because Stephanie is acting in a school play that day and Mrs. Roberts was going to be there to support her.

That left Danielle alone with the baby to embrace Greyson.

Danielle didn’t care being left alone. She was in her room when she heard the sound of someone opening the front door.

“Greyson?” Danielle called out.

No answer.

Danielle came down into the living room, bringing her baby along with her.

“Greyson is that you?”

Danielle went into the kitchen. There was no one there.

Strange. I could have sworn I heard someone opening the front door. Danielle frowned.

She walked back to the living room before sitting on the sofa.

Suddenly, something hit her hard on her head. The blow made her black out and stumbled to the ground immediately.

“No one can take Greyson away from me.” The hitter told her. Danielle lay sprawled on the floor. The baby started to cry.

“Little baby, say goodbye to your mother.” the hitter said, taking out a small but sharp dagger from her pocket.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and Greyson stepped inside.

“Danielle-?” Greyson called.

Then Greyson realized what was happening.

“Hey you!” Greyson tried to stop the person from running away.

The hitter, who was wearing a scarf over her head, was unrecognizable to Greyson, ran away through the open window.

Greyson ran to Danielle’s side. Her head was bleeding.

“No, no, no!” Greyson picked up Danielle’s body.

Not moving. Not breathing.

Greyson took out his phone and called the police.

“Hello, police?! Help me, my girlfriend has just been killed!”

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