chapter 32

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Chapter 32

“You can come in now.” The doctor said, gesturing Greyson, Cody and the rest of the gang into Danielle's room.

“If you need anything or if anything happens, there's a button beside Danielle's bed that you can push, and I’ll come.” The doctor continued, as they all went inside the room.

“I need to have a word with you outside.” the doctor said softly to Cody.

Cody glanced at Charlotte. Charlotte nodded.

“What is it doc?” Cody asked as they sat down again on the sofa in the waiting room.

“It’s about the baby.”

“What about it?”

“well.” The doctor started slowly. “To be honest I don’t think the baby might last long.”

Cody said nothing, shocked by the news.

“its because, well, you know, he is delivered almost three weeks earlier than he was suppose to,  and not because he is, but he was forced to. What I mean is that he has been taken out of his mother’s womb before the time is right. But that’s not a choice to make otherwise he might die if he is not out.” The doctor said sadly.

“When he was born, he was so weak he didn’t even make a single sound, nor did he look like he was alive or even breathing. His eyes were shut and his chest wasn’t moving. The only sign that showed us he was alive was his fingers moving ever so slowly.” The doctor continued.

Cody didn’t know what to say. He remained silent and just stared at the floor.

“But that doesn’t mean that he’s gonna die anytime soon.” The doctor said, trying to reassure Cody. “Many babies are born in this condition and not all of them died. Some even grew up to be old.”

“But all I'm saying is that even if this baby does grow up, he will be so fragile and so weak. He would need extra care and extra protecting. He might have a chance of asthma too.”

“Is it possible for him to recover?”

“I’m afraid not. Like I said, he hasn’t stayed in his mother’s womb long enough. And now in Danielle's condition, I don’t think he might even get his mother’s milk, which is very important now that he is so weak.”

Cody sighed.

“But just don’t give up hope yet. The boy is a strong one. Many babies who are in his situation would have already died. But he didn’t. That’s a good sign.” The doctor smiled sadly.

“Am I supposed to tell this to anyone?” Cody asked softly.

“For now, I don’t think is necessary. The father of the baby has enough trouble to think of, judging from the look on his face.” The doctor said.

“But try and make him hold the baby as soon as possible. He hasn’t been held by his parents since he was born and that might give an effect on his health.”

Cody nodded.

“For now, the baby couldn’t be held by anyone, for his condition. But maybe in a week or two he’ll be okay. Nothing bad has happened accept what has passed. Maybe that’ll be the only trouble. Let’s pray that nothing else would happen, okay?”

Again Cody nodded.

“But if anything does happen I’ll inform it too you as soon as possible.”

“Thanks doc.” Cody said, standing up, shaking hands with the doctor.

The doctor smiled. “Be strong eh kid?”

Cody smiled. “Sure.”

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