Battle on the cliff (I)

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It was a snow roc, a variety whose feathers were white. The big bird was going towards its hunting area at sea when it had detected something strange at one end of their territory. Therefore, confident in itself, it had come to investigate.

The roc didn't see the figure climbing the cliff face until it was quite close. They had all changed the color of their armor to white, so it wasn't easy to see them.

However, the Burning Aura that warmed him not only made him detectable, but also melted the snow around. For this reason, he didn't get too close to the edelweisses.

It was an intelligent bird, not in vain its level was above 90, and it was rather cruel. The first thing the roc thought when it saw that creature was how to make it fall. Afterwards, it would check if that was edible.

Attacking directly was dangerous, as its prey was too close to the wall. It would have to slow down a lot, which would make it vulnerable. So, the big bird decided on the Hurricane Flapping. It didn't believe that the rather puny being could resist the attack.

The activation of the skill was rather slow, but very characteristic. It was by no means the only winged beast that possessed it, so everyone recognized it. They had seen and suffered it often in the game.

The enormous bird had slightly reduced its speed to execute its attack with more precision, when it was forced to change plans. A fast projectile was heading towards it, thus forcing it to dodge.

That made it angry. The roc didn't realize that that arrow had only been a warning. It changed trajectory toward Eldi again, this time vigilantly, and prepared its Wind Shield. It wasn't going to give up on the prey just like that.

"Damn ugly bird," Gjaki growled. She was a little frustrated at not being able to do much. "Shall we try Air Network?"

"Good idea, it'll distract it. It's better not to kill them. If their behavior is like in the game, the rocs are very spiteful and vengeful," Goldmi accepted.

Three arrows had interrupted its attack again. One had been stopped by the Wind Shield, but the other two had taken strange trajectories, and attacked at the same time from different angles. Although the offensive power hadn't been very high, they had been painful and annoying.

Thanks to Curved Shot the archer had controlled the Rough Arrows, to gain time. With Disruptive Touch, she had made sure to interrupt whatever their enemy was preparing. Right after, she had shot three new arrows. These had been separated slightly, and then kept equidistant. They flew in parallel, forming a triangle, without any offensive power.

When the huge bird saw the next attack, it wanted to raise its shield again to counter it. Although they seemed strangely harmless, it didn't trust them. However, a Collide on one of its wings interrupted it again.

It barely noticed the shadow of the goshawk, who Plummeted immediately to leave its reach. For a moment, the roc hesitated whether to pursue her, but by then the three arrows had almost arrived. With no time to raise the spell, it Hardened its feathers to block the impact.

It was then that the big bird realized that those three arrows were holding something, but it was too late. A blood Cobweb wrapped around it, and tightened thanks to the flight of the arrows.

The Cobweb wasn't overly resistant, but Sticky Blood made it very annoying. Before the roc had time to break it, its flight had been interrupted, and it was falling uncontrollably.

Blades turned its feathers into sharp weapons, and with Infernal Rotation, it managed to get rid of the cut pieces of the sticky blood. It was a skill in which the caster rotated around themselves to create a kind of whirlwind, although it had now only been used it to expel the scraps with the force of rotation.

The roc was totally furious, but also a little scared. If they had shot while it was falling, it would have barely been able to defend. It couldn't help but wonder why they hadn't.

Such thoughts didn't prevent it from regaining control of the flight. Soon, its trajectory stopped descending to gain height at a rapid speed. At the same time, it imagined its enemies destroyed under its claws.

Meanwhile, Eldi had discarded two more flowers. Gjaki moved the rope to the right, while Goldmi kept watch with Hawkeye and the drawn bow.

"Sister, I'll take care of it. There is a ledge there," the goshawk assured.

"Be careful," the elf asked, hesitant.

Although she feared for the goshawk, she couldn't forbid her to do it. The white bird was her sister, not her servant.

"Give that ugly bird a good beating," the kraken encouraged.

"Don't come back crying later," the lynx encouraged her in her way.

"I'm not the one who's going to cry," the albino bird threatened, confident.

It must be said that there were reasons for her confidence. The roc was a mythical bird above level 90, but she was by no means inferior. She was at level 100, and had extensive battle experience. Maybe, a goshawk wasn't seen as a mythical bird, but that didn't mean they couldn't become one. In fact, she was probably the only level 100 goshawk in the world.

So, as the roc ascended, she lunged at it without hesitation.

Attentive, the roc turned towards her this time. That a small bird had attacked it had hurt it pride terribly. Therefore, it decided to start its revenge on her.

Just before they crashed, the roc turned in the air to place its claws in front. It wanted to destroy the daring bird that had tried to confront it. That she hadn't fled from its presence had both surprised and irritated the prideful roc.

"How dare that tiny girl?" he thought confidently, as the moment of collision approached.

Suddenly, the albino bird Grew to a size equivalent to that of her rival. At the same time, she enveloped herself in sharp wind, and faced claws against claws.

The impact was terrible, especially for the roc. Not only was its level somewhat lower, but it hadn't even for a moment imagined such a collision. Not being able to react, it was catapulted backwards, far from unscathed.

The goshawk also suffered the blow, although less so. Furthermore, Life Link acted immediately, which partially cured her, and improved her situation.

Gritting her teeth from the unexpected pain, Goldmi applied Basic Healing to heal the damage she had shared with her sister.

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