Undead in droves

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"Can't I really try?" a young, cat-like vampiress protested.

"He already has someone," the other responded, sighing.

"But... He's single, and hasn't brought anyone all these days. He's handsome, strong and attentive. Are you sure he has someone?" the first one asked again.

"Yes, Gjaki confirmed it, and she did it as a warning. I heard something about that he was looking for her. Do you think otherwise I wouldn't try to seduce him first?" the second said. She was a human vampiress.

They were both secretly watching Eldi from the entrance. At this moment, the high human was giving crafting classes to one of his disciples. This had leveled up, and he was showing him some simple recipes, so he could practice.



They both complained, after each receiving a blow to the head.

"Stop gossiping. Wasn't it your turn to feed Little Ball?" Diknsa lectured them.

"We were going right now. You didn't have to hit so hard. It hurts..." one of them complained, while the other rubbed her head with her hand.

"Whineys..." Diknsa sighed.

She looked for a moment at the high human and his apprentice, and continued on her way. She had to find a young vampire who was sneaking away the cleanup. He had promised to do it if they let him throw a small party, but the room was a mess.

"I always have to be the bad guy," she complained, and headed towards her target.

She knew where he was. The cameras had seen him enter his room several hours ago.

"I'm sure he's still sleeping. It's time to wake him up" the demon vampiress threatened.

"Good morning, shall we go?" Gjaki entered the room.

"Sure. Are you done?" Eldi asked.

"For now. Although I'm afraid that, when we finish with the undead, Kilthana is going to kidnap me for a whole day," the vampiress sighed.

"Ha, ha. I'm coming, just a moment," Eldi said, before turning to his apprentice. "Practice this for now. I'll show you other recipes another day. You can also ask Lilt."

"I'll do that. Thank you, Master Eldi," he was grateful.

The vampiress smiled when she heard it. Nonetheless, she waited until they were out to tease her companion a little.

"So, Master Eldi. Not bad, you've come a long way," she mocked.

"At least, he doesn't call me Mr. Hnefa anymore. Although, I don't know if I'll get him to just call me Eldi," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Heh, heh. He's very serious, and admires you a lot. You know, he's trying to use an axe because he's seen you. Although, I don't know if he'll dare to ask you for advice..." she revealed.

"Okay, okay, I'll offer myself. Happy? Just let me know when he's ready," Eldi immediately surrendered, raising his arms.

He knew it was a war he had already lost, and he was fond of the young vampire. Gjaki smiled satisfied, before summoning a Gate to pick up Goldmi. Laughing, the elf gave them some clothespins on behalf of her daughters.

"They haven't crossed here either," Eldi observed.

The traps were immaculate, as none had been activated. There were no traces of undead, and Life Detection couldn't find anything either. Although, maybe it should be called Death Detection in this case.

They had returned to the cave, collected the rocks, and discovered absolutely nothing. Finally, they reached the last barricade where, as always, they opened a small hole first, and let a Bat pass through.

"Oh... Wow... This..." the vampiress was left speechless.

"Is something wrong?" the elf asked.

"I think it would be better if you see it for yourselves," she answered her mysteriously.

They looked at her confused, but not worried. If there was danger, she would have warned them. Therefore, they took and stored the rocks in their inventory, to move towards the exit of the cave.

There, they found a sight more creepy than they could have imagined. The day before, it had been full of undead that didn't pass the entrance. Now, not only was it full, but they were standing on top of each other, in a completely disordered manner.

Those undead looked at them with desire, threatening, wanting to consume them, to turn them into one of them. That wasn't new, but the magnitude of the number was. From inside the cave, they couldn't glimpse the height of the immense agglomeration of undead.

"I think you have work to do," the vampiress looked at the elf, still astonished.

"Wait, I'll give you some blessings," the high human offered, looking out of the corner of his eye at the exit of the cave.

"You're already leeching..." Gjaki criticized, jokingly.

"That's not leeching, it's just an equitable distribution of experience," Eldi defended himself, while taking an artificially serious tone.

In fact, many blessings were useless under the circumstances. Although not all. Mana's Essence was really useful

"Pfffft. Stop playing. God. This's really terrifying," the elf finally reacted, and closed her mouth.

She approached the exit and cast the first Light Pillar. Then another, and another, and another, and another.

Her sisters soon transferred mana to her with Mana Link, and Eldi did the same with Mana Loan.

Many of the undead were vaporized, but some resisted. Their levels were mixed, but there were some up to level 100. There was even a certain specter that flew over the Pillars and immersed itself in them.

They didn't finish them off. They let them be, thus the undead behind stepped on them and covered them. The new undead quickly filled the gap left by the previous ones. They were attracted by the scent of the living, and incited by forces they could not oppose.

Soon, more Light Pillars would reach them, and the survivors would be completely purified.

"Aah. I can feel it. It's stronger, but I don't know if it's enough. Go on, get even stronger, just a little more," the specter spoke to himself.

There were others, who watched from afar. They had helped bring in the undead and contain them. They watched with envy as these were purified, with envy and hope.

However, those high level undead didn't get any closer. They knew they couldn't contain their impulses. It was already difficult for them, even though they were far away. They didn't want to lose the hope of dying that had arrived after so long. In fact, none of them even knew how long it had been.

While they watched with deathly expectations, Eldi and Goldmi were amazed at the amount of experience they were gaining. At the end of the day, it was difficult to assess how many thousands had been purified, but they did know that they had risen two levels, up to 98.

It was incredible, because at such high levels, the experience requirements were much greater. However, the number of undead was so immense, and they were all so packed together, that it was the most efficient leveling up session they had ever done.

Even Gjaki was somewhat envious, although she was the one who could complain the least. After all, she had raised the last few levels with the sacrifice of a single dying dragon.

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