Unexpected visit (I)

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Goldmi barely slept that night. She felt extremely restless, anxious. She couldn't help but move in bed, while trying to find a position to fall asleep that she couldn't find. Luckily for Elendnas, he was a heavy sleeper.

Having barely slept, she got up as soon as the sun rose. Not really knowing what to do, she got dressed and prepared breakfast, although her family still had to get up. At least, her daughters.

The hug on her waist surprised her. The kiss on her cheek was to be expected after her hair had been gently brushed away.

"Why don't you go to the mansion? I know you're impatient. I'll take care of the girls," her husband offered.

The elf knew that his wife's connection with her sisters was very deep. Although it was impossible for him to fully understand it, he did know that the reestablishment of the link with the last of them was very important for her.

"Thank you," she turned and kissed him tenderly on his lips.

She kissed him again more intensely before crossing the Gate with her two sisters. Both the lynx and the goshawk had come immediately. They were as anxious as the elf.

"Maybe, is it too soon?" she said to herself after appearing at the mansion.

The day before, she had arranged for Gjaki to accompany her, while they were watching the army of turtles to which Eldi had led them.

"Gjaki, do you have Gates towards there?" the elf had asked her, as she was pointing in a certain direction.

"How far?" she had answered, confused.

"A lot. At least, until the sea," Goldmi had explained.

"I don't have one that far away, but maybe I can borrow one. Are you in a hurry?"

"My sister is waiting for me," the elf had revealed.

The vampiress and the high human had looked at her with wide eyes. They knew how much she missed her. However, until now, she hadn't had a single clue where to look for her.

"Then, let's go tomorrow morning. Now it'll be impossible to borrow any," Gjaki had proposed.

"Do you want me to accompany you," Eldi had offered.

"No, it's a girls' outing," the vampiress had flatly refused, with a mischievous tone.

Eldi had shrugged, and hadn't insisted. He knew that the real reason they wouldn't let him go was something else. He had things to do that he felt impatient about too.

In fact, the high human had only returned with Gjaki to the mansion because he didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to them. He planned to leave that morning after breakfast.

"You've arrived soon," Diknsa suddenly appeared.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to bother you," the elf apologized.

"Don't worry, you never bother me. Besides, I've already woken up Gjaki. Look! Here she comes!" Dinksa exclaimed, amused.

"Mom... You're evil... (Yawn)," the silver-haired vampiress protested, half asleep.

A little Gjaki was pulling her hair into a ponytail, while she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Ah, hello Goldmi. You've arrived soon. Let's have some breakfast first, we can't arrive too soon. They get grumpy when they're sleepy," Gjaki proposed.

When they arrived at the table for breakfast, it was just the three of them and a couple of vampire dwarfs. Eldi just arrived.

"Heh, heh. You're in a hurry too," Gjaki mocked, a little more awake. "I guess you'll be leaving soon."

"Good morning. Yes, it's a little far," the high human greeted them.

"Goldmi! That beer you brought last time was fucking amazing! You have surpassed yourself!" the dwarf praised her.

"Too incredible. I've had to confiscate it, or it would've run out by now," Diknsa sighed.

"You have no heart, damned witch... Ha, ha," the dwarf complained, laughing.

Dinksa didn't pay much attention to them. She had known them too long to be bothered by the way they spoke. Besides, she knew that they were grateful to her in a way. Rather than confiscate it, she was rationing it with a little common sense, something those two dwarves were incapable of doing on their own. In fact, she had done it because they had asked her to.

"Again? Has another absent-minded servant triggered the alarm? It'll be the third time this month... Didn't I tell them not to clean there?" Krongo growled.

"I'll go. I have to stop by the library, and it's on the way," Krinia offered.

"Thank you, darling," the reptilian said goodbye.

"Has anyone gone to check the alarm?" Kruloz asked, as he arrived to have breakfast and was finishing putting on his jacket.

"Krinia. I don't know if she'll return or stay in the library," Krongo aswered.

"She'll never change," Kruloz sighed.

"It's part of her charm," the warrior smiled.

"Definitely. We married her for a reason," the archer assured.

Meanwhile, the mage arrived at the room as she was nibbling on a cookie that she had brought. She stopped in front of the door and looked at it strangely.

"How weird... It's closed," she murmured.

She opened the door to check inside. She feared that an iguana had gotten in. There, they were the equivalent of rats, and they had had a bothersome infestation four years ago. However, what she found left her with her mouth open for a few seconds.

"Gjaki!!" she finally reacted, ran towards her and hugged her.

"Hi, Krinia, I'm glad to see you too," she hugged her back.

"You could've warned before coming. I would've reserved the day," the reptilian scolded her.

"Sorry, sorry. It has been a bit unexpected. This's Goldmi, I've already told you about her. Goldmi, this's Krinia," she introduced her friends to each other.

"That Goldmi!? I'm glad to finally meet you! You know, every time Gjaki comes, we fight over your burgers. Ha, ha," the mage greeted her effusively.

"I'm glad too. Gjaki has spoken a lot about you," the elf smiled.

"I hope she spoke well of us! If not..." Krinia threatened with her gaze.

"Of course I've spoken well. I haven't even told her about that time when..." the vampiress teased.

"Don't even think about it! Come, let me introduce you to my husbands, and forget about that cheap vampiress," she invited Goldmi.

"Mean..." Gjaki complained, although in an amused tone.

"Hey, can you give them a little scare?" Krinia stopped and suggested mischievously.

"I'd never do something like that!" Gjaki refused.

Goldmi and Krinia turned and looked at her at the same time, skeptical. Not for a moment did they believe that her friend was going to miss the opportunity.

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