Murderous impulses (I)

96 14 0

The next day passed similarly. Goldmi's spells were more powerful, which delighted the strange specter. Furthermore, they managed to raise one more level, thus reaching 99. If everything continued like this, they would reach 100 much faster than expected, and much more easily.

At 97, Goldmi had regained Fusion, a spell shared with the others. It had never worked in the game, but it was supposed to be able to combine everyone's powers in some unknown way. The spell was at 1, as it was untrainable.

Magic String was next. It allows the caster to add the different Touches to the bowstring, which can be transferred to the arrows. It consumes mana for each transfer, but less than adding them one by one. The spell was very convenient.

The last one, at 99, was actually a passive one, and of enormous importance. It doubled the mana pool.

As for skills, the first one was Synchronization. It allowed her a kind of fusion with her sisters, who had to be In the Shadow of the elf. That way, she could use their skills, their senses, and their power, up to a certain limit and at greater cost.

The last two were vitally important passives, as they doubled her vitality and energy pool.

Eldi had also recovered Fusion.

At 98, there was Lightning Speed. A fairly harmless lightning is summoned, through which it is possible to move. The speed is dazzling, although it has some disadvantages. The distance can't be very great, it is difficult to calculate the exact point, and the caster is briefly disconcerted after appearing. However, he had it at 10. It was a lot of fun in the game.

Finally, he had also doubled his mana pool.

In terms of skills, the first was Crater, whose name is quite illustrative of the effect. The blow of the hammer generates a huge crater around it, not to mention the consequences if an enemy is hit. It is quite slow, but has the ability to modify the terrain in an instant. It can also destroy any traps around it, sometimes forcing them to activate. He had it at 6.

Like Goldmi, his vitality and energy pool had also doubled.

The third day started the same. After increasing Goldmi and Eldi's mana pools, more Light Pillars could be cast, and they were also more powerful than the first day. That made them more efficient, although on the other hand, they needed more experience to level up. The gap with the most powerful undead had narrowed, and the level itself required a greater amount of experience to raise it.

"Something powerful is coming. It's a skeleton, its bones shine," the goshawk suddenly warned.

"My sister says something is coming," Goldmi repeated the warning, and also continued with the explanation.

It didn't take them long to see how the undead were trying to get out of its way, although they didn't have time. It jumped over them, and was advancing.

"The first to lose patience. Heh, heh. It'll be interesting. I hope he doesn't kill them," the specter spoke alone.

It was as if he had already expected it. That skeleton was the weakest of them all, the one with the most precarious consciousness. Therefore, it had no longer been able to control its impulse to attack the living.

Apart from the specter, other entities were observing with curiosity, anxiety, and repressing their own instincts. On the one hand, they wanted to see the death of the living. On the other hand, they wanted them to be strong enough to purify them.

Goldmi took a few steps back. She was about to cast another Light Pillar, but she decided to conserve the mana. They always made sure they had enough in reserve, for whatever might happen. They didn't trust the specter, nor his supposed friends.

Running at high speed, the skeleton reached the cave and jumped in front of them. It didn't stop, but instead charged straight in, ignoring the aura the specter had left behind.

It was clear to the naked eye that it wasn't a skeleton like the others. Its bones weren't gnawed, they didn't even have a scratch. In addition, there was a metallic shine in them that suggested exceptional hardness.

The brightness in the hollow of its eyes fluctuated non-stop, as they seemed to be looking at them. In fact, it did. Furthermore, it was wielding a shield and a saber.

Other skeletons also wielded weapons, but usually clumsily. That wasn't the case now. In fact, the goshawk had even warned them that it had performed a skill against a zombie that had crossed its path.

The weapons, although they looked old and somewhat deteriorated, retained the power of yesteryear. Without a doubt, they were weapons of great quality if they had been able to survive the passing of the years.

"Die! Kill me! Die! Kill me!" it said over and over again.

It attacked with a Shield Strike, while holding its saber up for the next attack. Eldi Blocked it with the handle of the axe, inside an Area of Defense. He did it right in front of five overlapping Light Abysses, thus trying to make their enemy stay on top of them.

The purifying light of the traps attacked the skeleton, but it didn't stop. After its shield was blocked, it lowered its arm to deliver a Machete Strike with the saber.

However, it was unable to complete the skill. Its arm bones had been stopped by the network of adamantine threads that had been covering the ground until now. They were prepared for any eventuality, and had been activated by the vampiress with Live Thread. They had immobilized their enemy.

If it had been a zombie, those threads could have cut it, but they were unable to do so against the bones of the skeleton. Although it was good enough that they stopped him.

Dozens of Light Arrows were released against the skeleton, which were added to the traps and Gjaki's light whip. Eldi also pierced the skeleton with a pair of spears of light, leaving them between its bones to purify it. Next, he took out the hammer and began to hit his enemy against the ground. He didn't know if his blows could break the bones, but at least, he hoped he could separate them. Furthermore, it had Purifying Touch.

The Light Arrows weren't effective, as they bounced off before completing their purifying effect. So, the lynx pushed them against the immobilized skeleton. As long as they were in contact with the bones, they would have some effect.

In addition, the feline tried to Chew one of the legs, but the bones were too hard. She had to settle for helping to immobilize it.

Goldmi decided to add several Light Traps. She fired arrows three at a time so that they would surround her enemy and activate the spell. These traps weren't as powerful as the Light Abysses, but they could be added at any time from a distance.

Between the purifying effect and the hammer, the bones began to crack, which enhanced the purifying effect even more. Finally, after several minutes of bombardment, the skeleton disappeared.

"I'm dyiiiiing... Fiiiiiinally..." it was heard saying.

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