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The three adventurers were quickly bound and gagged, without even having time to assimilate what was happening. The group they were following had attacked them, so they were terrified. They didn't know if those people were upset by their stalking, or they were the criminals they were looking for. If it was the latter, they feared for their lives.

Eldi took out the hammer and hit the barrier protecting the tent. It wasn't enough to break it, but it was enough to alert those inside. The tent was a simple model, which didn't allow the outside to be seen from the inside.

"What's happening!?" a warrior with her armor half on asked, as she left the tent.

She didn't have time for more. If the warrior had been wearing her full armor, the vampiress wouldn't have found it so easy to grab her neck and pull her to her. It should be said that at that moment, Gjaki wasn't hiding her power, she was using all her strength.

"Aaaahhhh!" she yelled while being dragged away. She had put her hands on her neck, trying to break free.

"Lilfa!" the tracker exclaimed.

She had walked out the door and had seen her companion fall heavily to the ground, while facing an enemy more powerful than any of them. Although she was caught completely by surprise, she reacted quickly enough to try to escape. However, Eldi cast Duel, a skill that forces both opponents to stay within twenty meters of each other.

The tracker realized that she was prey to a skill too late. She lost her balance when trying to get away, and was held in place by intangible bonds. The lynx, attentive, took the opportunity to immobilize her.

When the healer appeared at the entrance of the tent and saw the situation, he could only surrender. He rose his hands and let go of the staff. All of his companions had been captured, and he could do nothing on his own.

"What do you want?" the healer asked.

He was bound, but not gagged. Although fearful, he was relieved to see that his companions were unscathed, just a few easy-to-heal minor bruises. At least, their attackers hadn't been cruel and ruthless, they didn't seem like they wanted to kill them. In fact, it didn't even seem like they wanted to rob them, since they hadn't taken any of their weapons.

"Why were you following us?" Gjaki took charge of the interrogation.

She had told Goldmi to play the "good cop" while she was the "bad cop." It is true that she had never tried that strategy, but she had seen it in movies in the past. It cost nothing to try.

"Aah... Um... We weren't following anyone..." he lied.

Of course, he wasn't very good at it. Gjaki didn't even need to bite him and Gossip to realize it. She had questioned many others before, and it was clear that this healer was a noob.

"You should tell the truth before he gets angry. You wouldn't like to see him angry," Goldmi intervened, using the 'he' because of her friend's disguise.

She tried to put on a sweet tone, but that seemed very strange to Eldi. He found it somewhat forced, but the healer was too scared to notice. His companions too, although it didn't matter if it wasn't like that. They couldn't say anything with their mouths gagged.

"Let me repeat, Why were you FOL LO WING us?" the vampire insisted, emphasizing each syllable.

On top of that, her aura became majestic and lethal. Since those adventurers were vampires, her Bloodline was effective. They all blanched. They didn't know who she was, but without a doubt she was a high-ranking vampire. If she weren't disguised, maybe even some of them would have fainted.

"I... I... Your ex... exce... excellency... This was... a mistake..." he stammered.

"Better answer the question. I advise you. Otherwise, he'll get really angry," the elf intervened again.

"We on... only were... checking... if you were... the criminals. Clearly, you aren't! We didn't want... to bother... you!" he confessed.

"What criminals?" Gjaki continued to question him, curiously.

The healer breathed a sigh of relief, both at the vampiress' tone and that she had withdrawn her aura.

"That... They told us to call if we saw someone using a spell similar to a wall of fire or ice. Also, if he used an axe, a spear and a hammer. He's a highly wanted criminal," he assured.

She glanced sideways at Eldi. He was carrying a spear, though they hadn't seen him use anything else. After all, the adventurers had only followed them from afar, as they continued with their original goal of leveling on that floor. They hadn't been watching their every movement.

"Who was looking for him, and how do you contact them?" Gjaki asked.

"It was an elite group from Engenak. They weren't lying, you can't fake those badges. They gave us a communication device, it's inside," he continued confessing. "No! Wait! I've told you everything!"

Gjaki had drawn a dagger and approached him. His companions squirmed, wanting to help, but they were tightly tied. Although they all stopped somewhat embarrassed when they saw Gjaki cut the ropes, not their companion. Well, actually, she cut the Blood Binds, which she could have disabled with a thought, without the need for drama.

"She did intentionally," Eldi said to himself, sighing and looking at Goldmi.

She nodded, also sighing, although a smile loosed.

"Bring it," Gjaki ordered.

The vampire quickly entered the tent, and came out shortly after. He didn't dare to try anything, as he was too scared. He simply handed the item to Gjaki.

She observed that kind of metallic egg twice the size of her fist. She twirled it around a couple of times, then tossed it to Eldi, who examined it more carefully.

All of them had seen similar devices in the game, but it was the first time he had seen it since returning. Its operation was extremely simple. One only had to insert mana to connect to the other end and establish a conversation.

"Any code words or the like?" the high human asked.

"No," the healer assured.

"Let's go, there's nothing else to do here. Untie your companions when we're gone, and don't try to follow us. If there is a second time, he won't be so magnanimous," Goldmi warned them.

As if wanting to confirm those words, Gjaki glared at them menacingly, and even activated Bloodlust slightly. After that, she turned around and followed his companions, although she looked back a couple of times, which caused than more than one swallowed.

"I know you're having fun, but stop now, I can't take it anymore..." Goldmi begged, with her hand over her mouth.

Her friend's performance was making her laugh. Eldi wasn't much better.

"Ha, ha. She loves being the bad cop, or he," Eldi added.

"Don't be envious. Next time, I'll leave it to you!" the vampiress also laughed.

They were in a good mood, but also worried. All of them knew what that meant. They had not given up, they were going for Eldi.

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