Reinforcements (III)

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"So, you want me... Ha, ha! I'm afraid it isn't longer possible. It's been fun playing with your friends, it's time to leave. It's a pity that the barrier is a little broken and can't stop me. Until next time!" the vampiress suddenly mocked.

As she said so, she activated the dungeon pass and disappeared.

"Shit! We have to follow her! We'll deal with whatever's out there! Call the others!" one of the vampires exclaimed.

"Everybody, leave the dungeon! The target has activated the exit pass!" a vampiress sent a message to those who were yet to arrive.

Every vampire activated their passes, as they ignored Eldi and the others. Normally, they would have killed them, but their mission came first.

Both the vampires' barrier and the Engenak agents' one were supposed to prevent the activation of the pass. However, the former had several holes, and the latter had been sabotaged by the resistance member. That resistance member looked at Eldi without knowing what to do.

"Will she be fine? Shouldn't we go help her?" she asked.

"She said not to follow her, so I guess she's around here. Right, Gjaki?" the battle mage called her.

"Heh, heh, they swallowed it," she laughed while appearing behind a rock and sitting on the ground. "I need a break."

"H... How!? If I've seen you...!" Nilgha was surprised.

"It was an illusion and a bit of ventriloquism," an illusory Gjaki behind Nilgha revealed.

She turned around in surprise, to see how the illusion transformed into a small dragon, flew away, and disappeared shortly after. Nilgha gaped at it. She had seen illusions before, but rarely so vivid, and never used like this in combat. She had saved them by deceiving her enemies.

"Mmmm, he's still alive," Eldi muttered, approaching.

The leader of the vampires had several holes piercing his body. He was unconscious and bleeding profusely, but was still breathing lightly. However, he wouldn't last much longer.

"Wait, don't finish him. Goldmi, hurry up!" the vampiress shouted, as she got up tiredly.

Goldmi came running, as she was urged her friend.

"What's wrong?" she asked, worried.

"I need you to keep him alive," Gjaki asked.

"Let's move it to a place with vegetation," the elf nodded. She was relieved that it was just that.

Once again, the vampiress entered the dreams through the Dream World, while her friend didn't let him die with Inch of Life.

The dream was very vague this time. She could only see an imposing figure, with red eyes and perhaps grayish hair. She could perceive total respect and submission from the one dreaming.

What shocked her the most was the aura. Although she couldn't feel it directly, she could perceive it through the dreamer's sensations.

"Is that my enemy?" she murmured, frowning.

Shortly after, she left the dream and opened her eyes.

"Have you discovered something?" Eldi asked.

"I'm not sure. It was all very blurry. I'm afraid someone wants to prevent information from being leaked," she speculated. "Stop it, Goldmi."

The elf stood up, as she observed how the surrounding plants had withered. She was secretly grateful that they weren't real. She sighed.

"Don't you want a hot bath?" she asked.

"You go first. I'll watch, I need to recover my blood," Gjaki rejected.

"Come in, let's go," the elf invited Nilgha.

They may not have known her for long, but she had risked her life with them. The least she could offer her was a hot bath. The two entered with the lynx. The goshawk grunted a little, but she remained on the lookout. Everyone was tired and weak, so they couldn't afford to be surprised while recovering.

Eldi, for his part, stayed next to the vampiress. He would take out his own tent to take his private and solitary bath later.

Nilgha was astonished. From the outside, the tent was really peculiar. Inside, it was like a luxurious mansion. When the elf had offered her a bath, she had imagined something much more modest than what she had more than enjoyed. She would have stayed in the water for a whole day.

While laughing, Goldmi had told her to stay as long as she wanted, but she had gone out with the elf despite the temptation. The banquet that had taken place a while later had been her second surprise.

She had rarely tasted the food of a master chef, and on those occasions, she had had to settle for whatever they had cooked. However, on that occasion, a master had cooked in front of her with the help of some strange assistants. Furthermore, not only had she let her ask for whatever and how she wanted, but Goldmi had even insisted that she do so.

Nilgha had tried all kinds of delicacies, and she had even been able to feel the temporary buffs they provided. The desserts had been especially delicious, to the point of being addictive.

She had been a little surprised when Goldmi had told her in the bathroom, laughing, that her companions would force her to cook as soon as she went out. Now, she understood why.

What surprised her the most was a conversation between Eldi and Gjaki before the desserts. It had started with Eldi asking Nilgha.

"You're part of the resistance, so you aren't an agent of Engenak, right?!" Eldi had asked.

"Of course I'm not," she had responded. She hadn't quite understood the question, and was a little confused.

"So, there were only twenty-five agents, apart from you, right?" he continued.

"Eh... yes..." the member of the resistance admitted, totally lost.

"Eldi! You can't do this!" Gjaki had interrupted, visibly irritated.

"Why I can't do this? If it's twenty-five, it's twenty-five. It's a tie," he said, smiling victoriously.

"That's cheating!" the vampiress protested.

"Numbers are numbers. Accept it," he didn't give in, with some mockery in his tone.

"Damn... That dessert was mine!" Gjaki complained, reluctantly accepting.

Meanwhile, Goldmi laughed. She would later explain to the stunned resistance member the bet they had made on the number of Engenak agents.

Although, perhaps, what shocked her the most was when Eldi offered to make her a custom sword, and even armor. The same Eldi who was her idol, the one she had fought alongside, the hope of her people. She was speechless, unable to say anything, although desiring to accept. Nilgha had seen the quality of the three companions' weapons.

"Of course she wants to. Tomorrow, we'll give you the details," Goldmi intervened.

"Come, I'll show you some models," Gjaki offered, and practically dragged her into the castle-tent.

Shrugging, Goldmi followed them, and left Eldi in the company of the lynx and the goshawk.

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