Leveling up (I)

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It should be said that since Goldmi had met Elendnas, she had barely risen two levels. It was too slow even for anyone without much aptitude in that world, but her life had been too peaceful. Of course, with those two levels, she had recovered some spells.

The first had been Wind Prison. It doesn't deal damage to the enemy unless they try to escape. To do so, they must overcome the force of the wind that pushes in, and overcome its cutting power too. It was at 5.

Light Prison is similar to the previous one, but it can hold the beings of darkness. It also creates a very bright place. The latter was the only reason why it had reached affinity 3.

The skill in 68 had been Skewer. It is a slow and powerful attack with dagger and sword at the same time. It inflicts deep wounds, but isn't easy to hit unless the enemy is immobilized. Therefore, she had it only at 4.

Finally, in 69, she had regained Plant Prison. As the name suggests, encloses the target, or multiple targets, with plants. It is only as powerful as the plants at its disposal, and its biggest problem is the slowness of its execution. It is common to use it in conjunction with Entangle, by first immobilizing the prey, and then enclosing them in a place more difficult to escape than just the roots.

Gjaki smiled. Along with Vampiric Touch, her daggers and whip were imbued with Your Magic is Mine and Your Energy is Mine. With it, she could absorb some of the mana, energy and life from her enemies while fighting. It felt like, if she managed it well, she could fight forever. As long as Eldi was renewing them, of course.

Also, she could use Yum, Energy and Yum, Mana to resupply if necessary, thanks to If It's Liquid It's Blood. The latter was a skill far beyond the level she should have, and the only one she had allowed herself to use. That way, she could make up for the lack of low-level blood with insect blood, although the ant blood tasted a bit acid.

The lynx also somewhat smiled for exactly the same reason. Like the vampiress, she liked to fight, even if she felt a bit rusty. There was nothing like some ants to recover the sensations.

She even forgot about her reluctance against the vampiress. Gjaki was determined to make her try some special models for lynxes, and she always refused. The goshawk, on the other hand, had sold out herself for a week's worth of desserts more than once.

In fact, the vampiress and the feline got along surprisingly well. They covered each other naturally, as if they had fought hundreds of times together. In a way, it was true, though a confusing truth for both of them. Memories from the game times were always like this.

Gjaki cut off an ant's leg, thus causing it to stagger. The lynx jumped on the one next to her to propel her, and seize the opportunity to attack the ant's neck. At the same time, the vampiress took advantage of the fact that the other ant was paying attention to the feline. She dodged between her legs, used Sharpen on her daggers, and slashed both at the same point twice, with Double Edge.

It is true that she could use her fingernails, but it would be "cheating". While she could reduce the amount of power she used, she couldn't stop her fingernails from being level 100. Nonetheless, those moves were more than enough to sever a leg.

Eldi looked to the side. An ant was staggering, so he used Propel against the ant in front of him. That pushed it against the one which was behind it, and sent it back behind the Walls. He put the hammer down and picked up one of the spears stuck next to him. There were five around him with various blessings.

He then used Javelin to throw it at Gjaki's ant. The ant also received a couple of projectiles with Piercing Arrow. In fact, all the ants received the elf's attacks. She was continually distracting and damaging them.

She was the only one who had no extra help to regenerate her mana or energy, beyond what her sisters could provide. However, they also needed it, so she had decided to dose hers. Therefore, she was alternating magic arrows with skill arrows, and limiting the number. From time to time, the archer invoked a Tramontane to renew the air.

Also, she had spent a lot of mana with Oasis and various blessings. If not, she might even have used some Twisters. However, thanks to Oasis, everyone was recovering their strength faster. It was ideal in a cave, and its range had been limited, so it wouldn't help their enemies. Therefore, it was more than important to keep them at bay, that they were behind the imaginary line drawn by the spell.

Eldi switched to the axe. He used the spears to hit Gjaki's ants, the hammer to buy time, and the axe to smash his enemies. If he had mana left over for the next Wall renew, the battle mage would sometimes burn one of the bugs with Fireballs. This time, he tried Gravity.

Faced with the unexpected increase in weight, the ant's legs bent, unable to support it. Eldi jumped on it and Sliced it.

They had finished all three with their ants at the same time. They looked at each other. Gjaki smiled and made the victory sign with her fingers. Eldi and Goldmi laughed, but only for a few moments. The next three were coming closer, as their attendants collected the remains, retrieved spear and arrows, and obtained insect blood.

Eldi used Abyss with his axe. It cut the space, and caused the three ants to be drawn into the center of the skill. It unbalanced them a bit, which was just the starting shot to attack again.

The lynx Jumped on the momentarily distracted ant. She Shredded its antennae, thus clearing the way for her sister to riddle it with arrows. One of the projectiles even slipped through the insect's mouth.

Gjaki decided to jump on one of its legs to give it a flying kick. Immediately, she jumped on another, with the help of the whip that was Grabbed to a third. With three of its legs roughly pushed, the ant lost its balance.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea..." she looked at the body of the ant on the ground a few seconds later, while her companions laughed.

She had needed Blood to the Feet to avoid being crushed. That wouldn't have killed her. It wouldn't even have hurt her, and she could have taken the opportunity to pierce it from below, at the cost of staining with its entrails. It would certainly have been humiliating.

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