Impromptu party

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Maldoa was willing to use her connections to make their job easier. They needed a room to set up a Gate, so they could come and go. She didn't expect that, as soon as she mentioned Goldmi, Gjaki and Eldi, they just gave it without further question.

Thus, it was only necessary for Gjaki to take the nearest Gate, and travel to said room. Precisely, she had one in Lotno's home village, where he lived with his wife, the arachne Spid.

Knowing that she couldn't simply pass by without visiting her, she decided to go with Chornakish and Coinin, as well as the husband of the latter, Diknsa, and three others who joined to visit the arachne. That forced the vampiress to use Red Mana, as she couldn't send more than six in a single trip with just her mana pool.

The arachnes and the villagers took the opportunity to throw a small party, by using Gjaki as an excuse. They loved doing it, plus they had several arachnes to help create whatever was needed with their arachne webs.

Apart from Spid herself, one of her daughters and several of her granddaughters lived there. Although, on that occasion, another of her daughters was visiting, with her reptilian husband.

"Spid IV! I thought I'd only find Spid II!" Gjaki greeted them.

"You know my name is Lotpid," Spid IV protested.

"You should come more often, Vampire Queen!" Spid II greeted her. Her real name was Gjapid, and she had a small arachne on her back.

"Gjaki! You should've warned us with more time!" Spid greeted and hugged her.

"Not that you needed to... How're you?" Diknsa greeted, while looking around.

It was evident that the preparations for the impromptu party were moving quickly. The younger arachnes, after saying hello, had volunteered to help. Next to them, several elf villagers did too, most of them also young.

The arachnes presence hadn't been strange to that village for a long time. They chatted animatedly with the elves, many of whom wore clothes made from their silks.

They were partying until the wee hours of the morning, as they had arrived late in the afternoon. Although they could protect themselves, and many had some level of Sun Protection, the vampires preferred to avoid the sun's rays.

After that, Gjaki opened a Gate to return her people to the mansion, although more than half had to be dragged away, including Diknsa. She rarely got drunk, but she got along very well with Lotno's mother and one of his aunts. Too well. In the end, none of the three women could stand up.

Fortunately, Chornakish was used to it. He only got drunk if Gjaki provoked him, and she only did if they were alone.

Gjaki rested for a while to recover her mana. Although the journey didn't have to be dangerous, it never hurt to be cautious.

"Thanks. They never show any restrain..." Spid II complained.

With the help of the vampiress, she had brought her sister and her mother to their room. Afterwards, they chatted for a while, while sitting on her bed.

For the aracne, Gjaki was like a very dear aunt. As a child, she had marveled every time she went to the mansion, especially when the vampiress did magic tricks.

"Show me the spider boss," she asked.

"He, he. You're still a spoiled little girl," the vampiress teased.

"Only with aunt Gjaki."

The arachne leaned on the vampiress, while she used Dynamic World to create the illusion of one of the bosses of a dungeon, a huge spider. As a child, far from scaring her, Gjapid had loved it. She had always stared at it with her eight eyes. Even now, she asked her for it from time to time.

Like then, she fell asleep while watching the illusion of the enormous being. Gjaki brushed her hair away from her face a little, and tenderly covered her with the arachneweb sheets. She hadn't been able to have children, but she had plenty of nephews, even if they weren't of her own blood.

The vampiress quickly crossed the forest, not hesitating to use Blood Overload. She had been longer than expected, though she didn't regret it in the least.

Too late a basaltic wasp, one meter in length, realized that the swift prey running in her direction was too powerful for it. Gjaki relied on Scratch to grow her nails, and split it in two, after avoiding its sting by barely a few inches. She left her assistant to pick up the remains, and didn't stop running.

"It's the third. Why don't they realize? I'm not Diguising it," she sighed.

While complaining, she ducked to avoid the sneak attack of a ghost mantis, which had blended into its surroundings. However, without worrying too much about blood consumption, Gjaki also had Sharpen Senses active. Thanks to her natural agility and Blood Overload, she reacted extremely quickly. She had spotted the insect as soon as it started moving.

Her enemy's level was low, so it would have barely hurt her. Besides, she was wearing a powerful armor, so the mantis wouldn't have stood a chance even if it had taken her by surprise.

Irritated by the ambush, Gjaki severed both of its sharp arms, before kneeing it in the head. The hit killed it instantly.

She then turned towards a tree, and stared menacingly at a snake that was watching her. The reptile, intimidated, hid among the branches of the tree in which it was.

"You better..." she threatened.

She ordered the Bat that had discovered it to move on. She still had a long way to go.

It wasn't until mid-morning that she arrived at her destination. It was an outpost that looked somewhat solitary, since most of its tenants had left hours before.

She entered and handed her adventurer's badge to the receptionist, who took it reluctantly. After all, he had just been woken from his morning nap.

"You're Goldki... Goldki! Oh! Dear guest, please follow me to your room!" he suddenly sobered up.

He had been informed that someone important identified as Goldki would be coming, though not when.

Gjaki followed him. She was disguised as a blonde elf, Goldmi's little sister. She loved that Costume.

The vampiress didn't pay much attention to the receptionist, who sighed in relief that she wasn't angry. Some VIPs got irritated if they weren't treated as such from the beginning.

She went into the room, and made sure it was fully locked. After that, the blood warrior took out a huge safe from the inventory, opened it, and created an Exit Gate in it. Then, she closed it.

It could be opened from the inside, but it wasn't so easy from the outside. More importantly, it would destroy the Gate if that happened. It was very convenient in order to add a bit of security.

No one would enter the room, because she was supposed to be inside it. As a VIP, nobody should bother her. Although it was better to prevent any problem with a good safe.

After that, she returned to the mansion. She needed some rest.

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