58. What did you do?

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I press the enter key on my keyboard and tap my feet impatiently on the floor, waiting for the rank list of the selected candidates to Seoul University to load on my laptop screen.

I bite my lips as finally, the list of selected students in Business management and marketing major appears in front of my eyes. I take a breath before I start running my eyes down the list.

I get anxious as I don't see Yoongi hyung's name on the first page. Praying his name is on the next page, I scroll down and I see his name lying on the top itself. Letting out a sigh, I lean back on my chair.

So, he is selected. Now the task is to convince him to join the university.

I get up from the chair and walk to my cupboard. I open it and fish out a jeans and a t-shirt from it before quickly changing into them. Then I grab my phone from my table and walk out of my room toward Tae's room.

"Guys, I'm going to Yoongi hyung's house," I say, opening Tae's room door, only to witness the sight of Jungkook hovering over Tae on his bed, kissing him hungrily. Both were topless. I immediately close the door and walk away from there.

I walk down the stairs and open the front door, exiting the house. I thought to take Tae's car. Now, I've to walk.

Opening the gates, I step to the sidewalk and head in direction of Yoongi hyung's house.

In a week, school is reopening. At least this year, I need to ask Dad to buy me a car. Cause Yoongi hyung won't be there to pick me up for school anymore. Tae probably will have basketball practice most days. And also, I don't want to interrupt his and Jungkook's privacy.

Oh, wait, if you are wondering why I'm already back in Busan one week before school reopening, then it's because I told my parents some excuse and came back here three days ago as my boyfriend couldn't stay without seeing me. I told Dad and Mom that I've got a few assignments to complete before school reopens and and I'm unable to finish them without Tae's or Yoongi hyung's help.

By the way, my Dad and Mom really liked Yoongi hyung and Jungkook. They both stayed for five days at my home. Yoongi hyung helped Mom with cooking and she was surprised to see he can cook better than her. And she told me I'm so lucky to have a sweet and caring boyfriend like him. Mom liked his calm aura a lot. However, Jungkook is my Dad's favorite. I could see he really got a special liking for him. Maybe it's because Jungkook is more like him, extroverted and loud.

After walking for less than ten minutes, I reach in front of Yoongi hyung's house. I pull open the gate a little and walk inside, preparing myself to tell him what I did without his knowledge. I hope he doesn't get mad at me.

I press the doorbell and wait for him to open the door. After a few seconds, the door clicks open, revealing to my eyes his surprised face. I had told him I'm working extra hours today and so I'll only come to his house afternoon.

"Why you came early? Got tired working?" He asks.

"Uhm..no. There's something I need to tell you," I say and walk inside.

"What?" He frowns, closing the door behind us.

"I'll tell you. What were you doing?" I ask.

"Just reading a book," he replies and I notice a novel lying on the couch.

I go and slump down on the couch and he comes and sits beside me, grabbing the book and placing it on the coffee table. "What's the thing?" He asks.

I tilt my face and turn my body a little to fully face him. "Don't get mad at me. I did something without telling you."

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