Chapter 15 Stuffed Bunny

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Jimin's POV

"I texted Yoongi hyung that I'm not coming for practice. Said I've a stomach ache," Tae said looking up from his phone as we walked upstairs after breakfast.

"What did he say?" I asked. He showed his phone screen to me instead of replying.

'Okay, take rest then. I'll call you later. Now I'm tutoring a brat.'

I let out a sigh reading Yoongi's reply. How untrue! Poor Jungkook is the one who is tolerating him right now.

Tae also let out a sigh. "I can't understand why he is tutoring Jungkook when he doesn't like him. And why the hell he need extra credits? He is already at the top."

"Just to trouble him," I rolled my eyes.

Tae hasn't asked Yoongi about the diary yet. He is really hesitant to even ask him about all the lies he told him about Jungkook.

He told me about all his worries yesterday before he drifted into sleep. Although Yoongi is a jerk, he has done a lot of help for Tae. Like he said, Yoongi is actually the one who helped him become what he is right now. So he doesn't want to talk rudely to Yoongi or question him about his deeds. He is scared about Yoongi's reaction and he doesn't want their friendship to end. But anyway the damage is already done.
I know, Tae still doesn't hate Yoongi even a small bit, especially considering the fact that Yoongi did all this because he was afraid Jungkook would snatch him from him. But he is really mad at him. He wants to yell at him for what he did but he actually is unable to do anything.

And Tae doesn't want to talk about this to Yoongi, at least until their match. He doesn't want their team to lose the match because of this issue. He's already dejected knowing everything and he doesn't want Yoongi too to get depressed.

He said he is just going to pretend like normal until the match and after that, he will surely question him. But today he is really hesitant to go for practice and face Yoongi.

" where are we going today since you aren't going for practice?" I asked.

"Let's go to the mall?" he suggested.

"Yeah..let's go. I need to do some shopping," I said excitedly.

"After that let's have lunch, then go to the movies and beach?"

"Yeah...okay. yayy!" I squealed causing him to laugh.

"Then let's go get ready, C'mon..."

We both ran to our rooms to get ready. I took my phone from my desk and quickly dialed Jungkook's number.

Jungkook answered the call after a few rings. "Hello.." he mumbled.

"Hey..what's happening now? That Yoongi is beside you?" I asked.

"No, I just walked out of the room. He is inside there making questions for me," he said in an annoyed tone.

Making questions for him? That means today Yoongi is going at the speed of a Turtle for Jungkook. Yesterday he was like a cheetah. We barely did a problem.

"Hmm..anyway, you have a good news," I said.

"What?" He asked suddenly anxious.

"Tae finally completely believes Yoongi was lying to him and he was blackmailing you with the diary," I said excitedly.

"What? really!?" Jungkook yelped in surprise.

"Yeah..yesterday he actually saw you and Yoongi talking about the diary at the parking. He understood Yoongi is blackmailing you with the diary. And then I talked to him a lot yesterday and told him every cheap thing Yoongi has done to you. Tae almost believed everything."

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