Chapter 21. Heated

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The basketball stadium filled with loud claps and cheers as our team walked into the court wearing shiny blue jerseys with Busan Boys imprinted on the back. There were still ten more minutes for the commencement of the match but the court was already filled with a good lot of spectators. I think almost all the students stayed back to watch the match.

Standing up from the bleachers, I and Jungkook clapped and screamed along with the crowd, yelling Tae's name to gain his attention. He was already glancing around in the stadium and soon his gaze fell on us. He glared at us, signaling me that he was still mad at me for pulling that prank on him.

Okay, I agree he has every right to be mad at me. He started throwing up when he had the match in just two hours. His whole team got worried thinking he won't be able to play. But he is now looking perfectly alright after taking a rest for two hours in the nurse's room.

"C'mon Jungkook..." I said and walked down the bleachers. I reached near the railing somehow pushing away the people. But Jungkook got stuck behind some girls.

Raising my hands, I waved at Tae, asking him to come to me. But he just glared at me and shook his head. I wasn't ready to give up. I kept on waving my hands and even started making pouty faces to somehow make him come to me. Finally, I won. He sighed and walked toward me.

"Fighting!" I squealed and gave him an enthusiastic pat on his shoulder. He nodded and proceeded to walk back to his team. But Jungkook was trying to somehow reach to the front, pushing the crowd.

Tae tried to hurry back to the team before Jungkook reached us. But I grabbed his hand and held his wrist tightly. He grunted at me to leave him but I only made my grip tight and held him firmly until Jungkook came pushing the people around.

"Tae, all the best. Fighting!" He said flashing his bunny smile at Tae.

"I don't want your all the best. Keep it with yourself. You can use it during your next football match," he replied, finally jerking his hands out of my grip.

"Oh..okay. Anyway, play well," Jungkook said ruffling his hair.

"I don't want your 'Play well' either," he scoffed.

"Okay okay enough. Stop bickering. Tae, just go now," I said. He glared at me once again and walked back to his team.

Only then did I notice somebody was staring at us the whole time. It was none else than our captain pale face. I glared at him and he glared back at me for almost ten seconds before he turned around and ran to the other side of the court, huddling with his teammates.

The opponent team had arrived already. The players all exchanged shake hands and after a small performance from the cheerleading girls, the match started.

Our team took the lead from the first quarter itself. The whole team was really energetic and played zealously. Let me admit, Yoongi was playing better than anyone else. The score was 23: 17 in favor of our team when the first quarter ended and Yoongi was the one who scored 9 points out of it.

Again our team kept the lead of more than five points in the next three quarters. Tae scored a total of 18 points in the match which ended on 94 : 70. It wasn't really an edge-of-the-seat match. I think it was a somewhat easy game but still, the stadium was filled with cheers and claps from the stands when our boys won.

Celebration and 'after party' started at the canteen soon after the award ceremony. So after saying congrats to Tae and giving him a tight hug, I went to the common room with Jungkook to work on our video game. I didn't want to simply waste time until the basketballers' party was over.

It had past 7:30 Pm when I received the message from Tae saying the party is over and he was walking to the parking lot. I and Jungkook quickly saved our work and shut down our laptops before walking out of the common room and heading to the lot.

When we almost reached there, we saw Tae and Yoongi talking, standing near the bike parking lot. It didn't seem like they were having a pleasant conversation, so I quickly walked toward them with Jungkook following me behind.

"But you can lie to me, right?" I heard Tae scoff at Yoongi. Yoongi said something but I couldn't hear it, we were at least 20 meters away.

"You've been lying to me all this while!" Tae scoffed again.

"What do you mean? What's wrong? I can't understand," Yoongi said, the tone of his voice utterly clueless.

"Stop pretending, Yoongi hyung. I've understood the things. You've been lying to me about Jungkook all this while. You told me things that Jungkook never told you about me. You created stories. You twisted things and confused me," he sneered furiously. We had reached almost near them but they both hadn't realized our presence yet.

"What? I think you've some misunderstanding. And I know who confused you with lies," He said.

"Who!?" I scoffed. They both tilted their face and finally saw me.

"Tell who? Me??" I asked walking closer to them.

"!" Yoongi said crossing his hands.

"Stop acting! Tae has understood your true colors. He realized the truths. He now knows everything. There is no need of acting anymore," I sneered.

"What truths? What everything? Do you even know anything?" he snapped back at me.

"I know everything! You told him horrible lies about Jungkook. You lied to him that Jungkook told you he wants to become friends with Tae because he isn't a faggot anymore. And you.."

"Shut up! What the hell is your problem!? Why are you simply interfering in our matter?" Yoongi cut me off, furiously.

"I've never told you anything like that!" Jungkook scoffed from behind me. "I've only asked you to help convince Tae to talk to me. I never said such a thing!"

Yoongi didn't reply anything but kept on staring at Jungkook, his Adam's apple was throbbing uncontrollably.

"Tae, stop believing him. He is a liar," Jungkook then said turning to Tae.

"Shut up Jungkook! Who called you here? This is something between me and Yoongi. You don't need to interfere in this," he said.

"But this is primarily about Jungkook, right?" I asked. "So he has a right to speak. Tae, I wonder why you are still supporting Yoongi. You understood everything, right?"

"Enough! I will talk to Yoongi. You both leave!"

"We can't leave like that, letting you talk to him alone. Because he is really manipulative. He knows to efficiently twist things. So we can't leave you alone and let you believe the lies he says," I said.

"You better shut up Park Jimin!" Yoongi spoke, looking at me furiously. "Who are you? You just came now. You know nothing. And if there's a problem between me, Tae and Jungkook, we know how to solve it. You don't need to interfere."

"Shut up! Aren't you ashamed to talk like this after what you did to Tae? Didn't he consider you his best friend? But what did you do? You broke his trust and said horrible lies to him about Jungkook. Aren't you feeling a bit guilty?"

"Enough Jimin! I have limits to my patience," Yoongi sneered through gritted teeth.

"Your patience! Others too have feelings and limit to patience. Did you think about Jungkook's feelings when you backstabbed him and troubled him and blackmailed him all this while? And oh..If you think Tae doesn't know about the diary and all the blackmailing you did, then you are wrong. Tae knows. You can finally give that diary back."

I saw Yoongi's eyes widening at that. Jungkook grabbed my hands as if asking me not to speak about the diary. "What's the need of hiding about it, Jungkook?" I asked tilting my face to him. "If he destroys the diary, then let him do it. Anyway, Tae now knows about it."

"Yoongi hyung, why did you do that? Why didn't you tell me about the diary and blackmailed Jungkook with it?" Tae asked. Yoongi didn't reply. He just looked down and kept staring at his shoes. For the first time, he looked totally defeated.

"I saw you blackmailing Jungkook at the parking, last day. You blackmailed him with my diary to let you tutor him," Tae said. "I'm sure you did it a lot more times. Why did you do it?"

"I never really blackmailed him with it. I only used it a few times to make him behave," Yoongi said finally looking up. "And I'm ready to give it back to you,"

"A few times? You blackmail me with it all the time," Jungkook sneered.

"What do you mean by blackmailing, Jungkook? When did I ever make you do something bad with it? And If I ever made you do something, then it was for your own good."

"My own good? You jerk!", Jungkook pointed his shivering finger at Yoongi. Then he turned to Tae. "Tae, don't believe him. He is a terrible liar. He is a horrible person!" he accused Yoongi.

I looked at Yoongi and saw his jaws clenching. His veiny arms were fisted tightly and they were Shivering. The veins on his neck and forehead were projecting out. I've never seen Yoongi in such a state before. His entire focus was on Jungkook. He was looking at him like he wanted to do something horrible to him.

"Stop! I'll decide who is lying and who is telling the truth. I've enough sense to differentiate between truth and lies. So stop this!" Tae scoffed looking at Jungkook.

"Tae, then understand. He is a fucking liar. He is a jerk," Jungkook said repeatedly, pointing at Yoongi.

"I'm done! I'm done with you, Jungkook! This is the end!" Yoongi muttered through gritted teeth.

"Excuse me, what? End of what? And what do you mean by you are done with me?" Jungkook snapped. "I must be the one done with you after everything you did to me. And yeah..I was done with you a lot earlier! From the time you stole the diary from me. Do you know how I kept it all these years? It was so precious to me. You stole it. You crook! "

"Shut up Jungkook! How is my diary precious to you? I was nothing to you. Your friends mocked me with that diary and you let them beat me like a dog that day. I was nothing to you. Then how is my diary precious to you? Tell me!" Tae shouted at him.

" Tae, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. Please understand. Please stop hurting me with that. Thinking about it hurts me as much as it hurts you. I regret it so damn much. Just forgive me once, Tae. You are so damn precious and important to me."

Tae looked at Jungkook stunned. His lips were parted and trembling slightly.

"That's why I kept your diary safely to give it back to you," Jungkook continued. "And that's why I followed you like a dog for the last one and a half year. Why can't you understand?" he cried and brushed away his tears. Tae was beyond shocked.

"Jungkook..hey, it's okay.." I said and quickly held his arm, patting on his back.

"Leave me, Jimin.." he said and yanked his hands away from my grip. The next moment, he turned and stormed towards the car parking lot. I shouted his name and rushed behind him, but he was too fast. He hopped into his car and drove out of the lot at a crazy speed.

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