49. Hacking Evintras

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"You don't really have to do this, Jimina," Yoongi hyung says grabbing my wrist as I'm about to open the car door.

"Yoongi hyung, I'm not going to hack their website and destroy it. Just collecting the contact details since they won't give it to us," I say removing his hands from my wrist.

"But still, it's a crime. Do you know what will happen if you get caught?" He asks worriedly.

"I'm not going to get caught," I shake my head, assuring him. He looks at me for a few moments before he nods his head.

Without wasting time, I hop out of the car and walk in direction of the main gates of Evintras high school, pulling up my hoodie cap whilst praying that the security won't stop me and ask me anything.

Yes, we are here at the Evintras boarding high school to get the contact details we need. And it's 2 Pm. For the last two hours, sitting inside our car, I was trying to find the school network's IP address to hack their database. But their running server, IP address, admin's email and every other detail is hidden and well protected with high security and I couldn't touch their website. The school has more security than a bank, I could literally find no bugs on their site.

I actually hacked their e-mail for queries provided on the site using brute-force attack but I got nothing from it. No official sites or accounts are connected to that e-mail. But I could have hacked their system by sending them a malicious link on the email or by phishing, but then we need to wait for them to open the mail and click on the link. It will take time and we can't really afford to wait in this situation. Also, there's no guarantee they will ever open the mail.

So, finally, we decided to come here directly and hack their network. For that, I'm disguising myself as a student of this school and I'm going to their computer lab to get access to the details. Since Evintras is a boarding school, the school library, computer lab, gym, football ground and swimming pool is open to the students on all days. We found that on their website.

I try to walk forward confidently, but the security stops me with a 'Hey!' as I pass him.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"To the library," I reply without actually turning my face to him.

"Okay, return before 5. I'm closing gates early today."

"Okay," I mumble and quickly walks forward.

Once I reach the main hallway, I quickly walk in direction of the school's computer lab. We had already got their campus map from the net and I had studied it thoroughly on our twenty minutes ride to here.

The school looks somewhat like the foreign school I studied until 9th grade, nothing like our Busan High or my previous public school. This school's style and infrastructure just shouts out that only the best students in the state and those who are well-heeled study here. Yoongi hyung's mother might have been really bright like him to get a scholarship here.

It takes me more than five minutes to reach the computer lab. It is a big hall, four times the size of the computer lab at our school with all the computers looking brand new. Only a few students are in front of some computers, probably doing their weekend assignments. But a middle aged teacher is also sitting in front of a computer in one corner.

Hoping I won't get caught, I walk to a computer in the opposite corner from the teacher, where there were no people on the nearby systems. I quickly turn the CPU on and sit down on the chair, waiting for the system to boot whilst trying to not act nervous. I was so nervous, ten times more nervous than when I corrected Tae's biology test code. But I need to do this.

Once the desktop opens, I fish out my HID from my pocket. It's a device that looks just like a harmless USB stick but it actually tricks the computer into thinking a keyboard is attached while it injects keystrokes to command the computer to give me remote access to all details.

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