chapter 8. He isn't alright!

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During the lunch break I made a quick trip to the library. I needed some books for the new history assignment. Every student in our class had to write on a different topic from the current chapter and my topic was Henry VIII. I first thought I'd copy something down from internet but then Mrs Min said she needed us to use the library and provide the names of the books we used for reference.

On reaching library, I went to the history section and scanned through the names of some of the relevant books in one of the rows. Finally I got the book I was hunting for. When I was about to pull the book out, a hand caught it from the other side and pulled it forcefully to that side. However I didn't let my grip loosen, because I saw the face of the owner of that hand. It was none else than Yoongi.

" I need the book and I was the first one who touched it. So take your hands away.", I said.

" Who told you, you are the one who touched it first ? It was me. So find some other book to bury your nose into cause I'm taking this book.", he said.

It was clearly evident from his face that he was here to trouble me. He purposefully made his grip on this book after seeing I was about to take it.

I pulled the book to myself and tried to get rid of his hands but he pulled it to himself with more force and soon it was a tug of war between us.

" Jerk ! Give it.", I whisper yelled.

" Are you deaf ? I said you aren't having it."

" Look asshole ! Give me the book or you are gonna really regret this decision you made in your life. "

He chuckled mockingly. " Trust me, I've never been so scared like how I'm now in my 19 years of existence."

" I said give me the book !!", I yelled and swiftly pulled the book from his hands. I grinned as I got it. But the next second he started pulling out all the books in that shelf down like a violent child. Books hit one after another on the floor near his feet. What is he, a psycho?

As I stood there astonished, he suddenly stopped throwing the books and grinned at me, crossing his hands across his chest. "Haven't put the pieces together yet? Literature quiz," he then mumbled.

"What?" I asked confused.

The next second, the librarian came rushing. "What is happening here!?" she yelled in panic looking at the innumerable number of books lying around Yoongi's feet. There was not one book lying on my side.

" He isn't alright.", I said pointing my fore finger at Yoongi, still baffled.

" I wanted that book in his hands. I first took it. But he yanked it from my hands and started throwing books at me.", Yoongi said to the bewildered looking librarian.

" What ! No !", I responded in shock. " He pulled them down himself."

" What ! me ? Really?", Yoongi scoffed pretending shocked.

" Yes ! You ! Stop your acting."

"Enough ! Stop! I'm reporting this to the principal right now !", The librarian sneered.

" Oh my God ! No ! ", I yelped. I remember what Mr Lee said last day. Once again inside his office means nothing less than TC. " Ma'am..Please don't report to the principal. I'll place everything back in place. Maybe I can even help arrange other shelves. Please..", I pleaded to the librarian who was looking furiously at me.

" No ! ", She scoffed.

" Please..just this once. If you report this to Mr Lee, then you won't be able to see me again. "

" What ? You'll commit suicide?", Yoongi mocked. I glared at him and looked back at the librarian. After pleading for some more time, I successfully convinced her to not report the incident to the principal. But I ended up skipping the next hour, cleaning and arranging the shelves. And I decided I'll make Yoongi pay for this.

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