Chapter 9. Caught Red handed

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You know that feeling when you get up in the morning knowing the day is going to suck? That's what I felt when I woke up to Tae's Mom's high pitched voice.

That jerk had called Tae, yesterday night. I was then sitting in front of my laptop, thinking what to do with the video game. Suddenly Tae barged into the room, yelling 'Jimin shi!' He had his phone held near his ear and I could easily guess who was on line.

Apparently that jerk told Tae that I keyed his car and so I should bring him $400 tomorrow, if I don't want suspension. I pretended shocked and acted like I was about to cry. So, Tae soon told him, I won't do such cheap things and it might be Jungkook who keyed his car.

I called Jungkook to tell the thing. And he said the jerk had already called him while he was driving back home. As soon as he picked the call, Yoongi screamed into his ear something like, 'Jungkook, what the hell did you do!?' He said he really got terrified that he almost drove the car into a telephone post.

Anyway then Jungkook pretended like he thinks Yoongi is talking about the maths test. He went like, 'Oh my Gosh! What's wrong with you? If you are talking about the maths test, I honestly didn't know anything. You didn't teach me anything first of all. You were in the toilet.'

Yoongi got really angry and told him he is going to report him to principal. Jungkook cut him off, saying he is only happy to take the blame of keying his car. Yoongi then furiously ended the call.

And he didn't go to tutor Jungkook yesterday. He probably went to fix the scratch and after that he called Tae asking for $400, saying it's me who keyed the car. But I wonder whether it actually coasted that much to fix that thin scratch.

Anyway, let me admit, I'm a bit scared that the devil would actually get me suspension. But I pinky promised Tae, I'm not the one who keyed the car. That's true right? I didn't scratch. It was Jungkook.

I felt nervous when I parked Tae's car in the students parking lot and unbuckled my seat belt. Tae had gone with the pale faced devil in the morning since they had practice. His jerk best friend actually came at 6 Am to pick him. I woke up hearing him honking at our gates and saw through my window, Tae hopping into his car.

I inhaled a puff of air and hopped out of the car, taking my bag. My first hour is English. So I can meet Jungkook there. Maybe I'll feel a bit relaxed after talking to him.

I reached the class and occupied a chair in the back with the aim of sitting along with Jungkook. He hasn't arrived yet.

Jungkook didn't arrive even after the bell rang and the teacher entered the class. After fifteen minutes, I was sure he won't come. I wondered if he is absent or just skipped the first hour.

Jungkook didn't show up in the next hour chemistry too. Also I didn't see him during the break. So I confirmed he is absent. His poor banana milk! That got wasted. If I had his key, I'd have got it. But why he took leave? Is he afraid Yoongi would get him suspension for keying his car?

I felt like I also should have taken leave. I was a lot nervous during the first few hours. I was feeling like something really bad was about to happen. I half expected someone to come and announce 'Park Jimin is wanted by the principal' at any moment. But that didn't happen and finally I was relieved when the bell rang Indicating lunch break.

I went to the canteen and met Tae and our gang at the usual table. But all of them were gloomy. Especially Tae was a lot sad. He looked like he was about to cry.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He didn't reply and shook his head.

"What happened to him?" I asked the others.

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