Chapter 10.1 (Taekook) Sorry

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Taehyung's POV

I feel a bit nervous as I walk alone in direction of the basketball court after the last hour. The reason for my nervousness is nothing but the fact that I'm going to talk to  Jungkook after a long time.

I've been ignoring Jungkook since the beginning of last year when we started high school together. I didn't want him to join here and I was exasperated on seeing him here on the first day of high school. And then I was totally annoyed and frustrated as he started trying to talk to me, constantly following me everywhere. I shove him off every time but then again he shamelessly appears at my locker, behind my seat in every class we share, at the library and even tries to block me on the hallway. At last Yoongi hyung interrupted and warned him not to disturb me anymore.

I was actually thinking to give him a chance to talk. But then he personally approached Yoongi hyung and sought help to regain his earlier friendship with me. What Yoongi hyung told me about him instantly made me change my decision. Jungkook wanted my friendship because, now I was popular and I was no longer that scrawny gay kid. Also he said I was a faggot then and he had to beat the faggot out of me, although he didn't really want to hurt me. I had actually thought, Jungkook changed and he was genuinely sorry for what he did to me. But then after knowing what he told Yoongi hyung, I understood my assumption was totally wrong.

But now Jimin is saying Yoongi hyung lied and Yoongi hyung is a jerk. I can't actually believe Yoongi hyung would lie to me. Jimin says Yoongi hyung likes me and he is afraid I'll start liking Jungkook again and that is why he told lies about Jungkook and is keeping on telling lies. And now he is saying Jungkook is tired after everything and he is changing school. I'm really confused now. I was thinking about it the whole yesterday night. But still I couldn't reach a conclusion.

One thing I know, Jimin likes me so much and he only wishes for my good and won't do even a small things that'll become bad for me. But I don't know whether I should listen to him in Jungkook's matter. Not that I don't believe him but he only met Jungkook last day. Jungkook might have made up a whole different story and somehow gained his trust. But Jimin is wise enough to differentiate truth and lies. He can't easily get manipulated by anyone. Maybe it was his anger on Yoongi hyung for getting him detention that caused him to believe Yoongi hyung is a jerk. I don't know.

And I'm totally confused after today morning's incident. Jimin and Yoongi hyung are suddenly behaving really nice to each other. Jimin even bought the three of us breakfast from outside. But I can clearly see Jimin is just pretending. But why ? What is his intention in gaining Yoongi hyung's friendship? Whatever, I'll make him explain everything today itself.

Anyway now let me go talk to Jungkook. Though I totally hate his existence near me and despise seeing his face everyday, I don't actually want him to change school because of me, especially if there's any truth in what Jimin said. I haven't told about this meeting to Yoongi hyung. If he knows maybe he would try to prevent me from talking to him or maybe he would insist on accompany me. I'm now confused whether Yoongi hyung is just being protective or he just don't want me and Jungkook to talk. I can't ignore the slightest possibility of what Jimin told me becoming true.

I decrease my pace of walking as I reach near the basketball court. I can see Jungkook already standing there near the railing, looking down, fiddling with his fingers. He hasn't seen me yet as his gaze is on the floor. I don't know whether I should change my decision and turn around now. I hate talking to him. I hate seeing Jungkook after everything he did to me.

I sigh as he suddenly looks up and notice my figure. Now I can't go back. Okay, I'll just let him talk once. Let me hear what he has to say. His lips curl a little bit upward as I walk towards him, revealing his bunny teeth. He still looks like a bunny. I'm not reluctant to admit he is really handsome and charming and gorgeous and everything, and I know all the girls here want him. But that's all physical. To me, he is just an ugly, sick, heartless wicked person who was even ready to beat his own best friend to death.

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