Chapter 16. The stone to kill two birds

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I tilted my head a little and looked at Tae who was lying beside me, hugging the bunny plushie. His eyes were swooping down and he was about to drift off into sleep.

We are currently in Tae's room simply lying on Tae's bed, tired after the long day. We reached back home only an hour ago at 9 pm after having dinner from a fancy restaurant near the beach.

We enjoyed a lot today. We spend about four hours at the beach swimming and playing around. We laughed and giggled a lot, paddling around through the tides.

Jungkook didn't follow us to the beach, by the way. He left after the movie. Actually no interactions happened between Tae and Jungkook at the theatre. But the whole time Jungkook was staring at Tae, either leaning forward or through my back while I was screaming hugging Tae for my dear life. The movie was really scary, let me say. I was screaming ever so often. Tae didn't scream. Probably because Jungkook was sitting near us. But the whole time he was either flinching or was sitting with his eyes tightly closed. However the scary music or the bloody scenes didn't seem to affect Jungkook a bit. He kept on staring at Tae until the end.

" How was the movie ?", I asked Jungkook teasingly while we got up from our seats after the movie.

" It was nice. Thanks Jimin.", he replied smiling. I couldn't say anything more because then Tae got up and walked out of the theatre without waiting for me. So I had to rush behind him. I didn't see Jungkook after that. But he called me an hour ago, when we just reached home. He asked me whether he can come over tomorrow for working on the video game after class. He said his parents will get suspicious if I go to his house every day.

That's right. Yesterday when I went there, it was his Mom who opened the door. She was a bit surprised on seeing me again. I told her, Jungkook called me for combine study. Mrs. Jeon then dramatically raised her eyebrows at me and asked, "In which subject?"

"History," Jungkoom replied, coming from behind her.

"Really? Let me see your next history test's score then," she said turning around and looking at him suspiciously.

"Yeah..okay," Jungkook nodded and then dragged me to his room and locked the door.

So, his Mom is already suspicious. So, I can't go to his house often. But I know, that isn't the only reason why he is insisting to come here and work on our game. Anyway, I told him I'll try.

" Tae..", I called lowly, whilst tugging on Tae's shirt sleeves. He stirred and groaned a little without opening his eyes. He was just about to fall into dreamland.

" Taehyungie..", I called again, chuckling a bit on seeing he has a death grip on the bunny. Although he said he don't want it, he hasn't let me touch it after reaching home. I wonder if this bunny has actually anything to do with our bunny boy Jeon Jungkook.

" Uhmm what Chim... ?", he responded hesitantly opening his eyes with an annoyed expression.

" Tae, uhm...can Jungkook come over to work on our video game tomorrow after class?", I asked hesitantly. I was a bit nervous about his response.

Tae was silent for a moment

"What ! ", he then scoffed in surprise and sat up, jumping. " No way Jimin ! "

Hmm..I clearly expected this reaction.

I also sat up on the bed. " Actually Tae..",

Tae cut me off. " Seriously Jimin ? You just asked me whether you can bring him here ?", he asked leaving the bunny and rubbing his eyes in exasperation.

" Tae wait listen. Actually Jungkook's parents don't know we are participating in the video game competition. They won't let Jungkook participate if he tells. So I can't always go to Jungkook's house. His parents will get suspicious."

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