Chapter 50

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The first massive worm is followed by three more, each screeching and roaring so loudly that I can feel the vibrations under my feet. Thorin stares in disbelief as the shrieking is soon replaced by Orcs shouting in Black speech.

Soon, the unmistakeable voice of Azog rings out across the valley, followed by a large, doomsday horn.

"The hordes of hell are upon us!" Dain shouts, riding in front of his army on his massive pig. "To battle! To battle, sons of Durin!"

I watch in shock as our kin charges a massive army of Orcs that's about three times the size of the Dwarvish army.

"I'm going over the wall. Who's coming with me?" Fili asks finally. I grab his arm and look into his eyes, nodding.

"I'm coming. Let's go."

"Aye!" Oin yells.

"Come on, let's go!" Dwalin follows.

"Stand down," Thorin barks. We all turn to face our king.

"What?" Ori asks.

"Are we to do nothing?" I ask.

"I said, STAND DOWN!" Thorin yells, glaring at me. His eyes are cold, much colder than ever before.

I look to Balin, who's face is so pale that he looks like he's going to throw up.

"I can't believe this," I mutter.

"This is an outrage!" Fili bellows.

"Leaving our kin to die while we hide like mice in their holes," Kili sighs.

"Let's go," I say finally, walking down the stairs. Fili and Kili follow, and soon after the rest of the dwarves follow.

"I'm going to go talk to Thorin," Dwalin grumbles, leaving the group. Everyone disperses to different rooms while the three of us stay together.

"Why don't we just sit down here?" Kili suggests as we pass a nook in the rocks. There's plenty of room, so we sit down.

"You know, back when we were kids, we would've pleaded with our parents to let us go into battle," I say. I chuckle lightly.

"Yeah, but now that we've had opportunities, it doesn't seem like as much fun," Kili says.

"I kind of want to be a kid again. Do you remember that time when we were only about sixteen or seventeen and we were running around the current campsite, playing when all of a sudden, all three of us ended up in a pond? We just kind of... fell in! The look on your mother's face, Nossa, when we walked into her tent soaking wet!" Fili says. All three of us start laughing, remembering.

Kili turns to me.

"Did I ever tell you about the time our mother found Fili's knife collection? He must've had around fifteen knives at the time, and he kept all of them in his clothing! You two both do that, but when Mum found them... she was just doing the laundry, and when she got to Fili's clothes, she started finding all of these weapons! He was so scared that she was going to punish him that he hid in an empty barrel in the kitchen!" Kili laughs. Fili blushes and chuckles.

"But Kili, don't forget the time that you accidentally broke an entire stack of her dishes! There was this huge shattering sound and Mother came storming in to find little Kili surrounded with broken dishes. He was so terrified of her punishment that he hid in a tree!" Fili laughs.

"Remember when we were at school and that guy started teasing Kili, so we beat him up? That was one of the times that we were all really terrified of our mothers!" I laugh.

Fili smiles and puts his hands in his lap.

"Do you remember when Uncle Thorin used to tell us stories after he got home from work?" Fili asks. Kili and I both nod.

"The stories about the mountain. About the obscene wealth. Yeah, I remember," I say.

We fall into silence, listening to the sounds of the raging battle outside.

His stories never could have prepared us for this.

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